{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LiberalTypeSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -fno-warn-missing-signatures -fno-warn-unused-imports #-}
-- |
-- Copyright :  (c) Edward Kmett 2008-2014 and Sjoerd Visscher 2014
-- License   :  BSD3
-- Maintainer:  Edward Kmett <ekmett@gmail.com>
-- Stability :  experimental
-- Portability: non-portable
-- This package explores category theory via a couple of non-standard
-- tricks.
-- First, we use lens-style isomorphism-families to talk about
-- most operations.
-- Second, we heavily abuse parametricity as a proxy for naturality.
-- This means that the category Nat that gets used throughout is a
-- particularly well-behaved. An inhabitant of @Nat :: (i -> j) -> (i -> j) -> *@
-- is required to be polymorphic in its argument.
-- Parametricity is a very strong notion of naturality. Notably, we
-- don't have to care if i or j are co -or- contravariant. (forall a. f a ~> g a)
-- respects _both_ -- at least so long as the 'functors' involved aren't GADTs.
-- Third, we use kind-indexing to pick the category. This means it
-- is harder to talk about Kleisli categories, etc. but in exchange
-- most of the category selection _just works_. A central working
-- hypothesis of this code is that this is sufficient to talk about
-- interesting categories, and it certainly results in less verbose
-- code than more explicit encodings which clutter up every type class
-- talking about the choice of category.
-- Here, much of the time the selection is implicit.
module Hask.Core
  ( Hom, type (~>), type (^)
  , Dom, Cod, Cod2, Arr, Enriched, Internal, External, Natural

  -- * Natural transformations
  , Nat(Nat, runNat), nat2, nat3, nat4, runNat2, runNat3, runNat4

  -- * Functors
  , Functor(fmap), first
  , Contravariant(contramap), lmap

  -- * Functor composition
  , Composed(..), type (ยท), composed, associateCompose
  , whiskerComposeL
  , whiskerComposeR
  , lambdaCompose
  , rhoCompose

  -- ** In the limit
  , Post

  -- ** Derived notions
  , fmap1, contramap1
  , fmap2
  , Bifunctor, bimap
  , Profunctor, dimap
  , Phantom

  -- * Colim -| Const -| Lim
  , Cocomplete(..)
  , Constant(..)
  , Complete(..)

  -- * Natural Isomorphisms
  , Iso, Iso'
  -- * Adjunctions
  , (-|)(..)
  , unitAdj, counitAdj, zipR, absurdL, cozipL
  -- ** Currying
  , Curried(..), curried, ccc
  -- ** Cocurrying
  , Cocurried(..), cocurried
  -- * Automatic Lifting
  , Lifted(..)
  -- * Constraints
  , (:-)(Sub), Dict(Dict), (\\), type (&), (|-)(implies), _Sub, _Implies, Class(..), (:=>)(..)
  -- * Lens Esoterica

  -- ** The Yoneda embedding
  , Get(..), _Get, get
  , Beget(..), _Beget, beget, (#)

  -- ** Inverting natural isomorphisms
  , Un(..), _Un, un
  , Via(..), via, mapping, lmapping, swapping, mapping1, firstly, post, pre

  -- ** Hom as a Profunctor
  , Self(..), _Self

  -- * Monoidal Categories
  , Semitensor(..)
  , I
  , Tensor(..)
  , Symmetric(..)

  -- * Closed Categories
  , Closed(..)

  -- * Terminal and Initial Objects
  , Terminal(..)
  , Initial(..)

  -- * Copowers and Cartesian Categories
  , Copower, type (*)
  , Precartesian(..)
  , Cartesian

  , Precocartesian(..)
  , Cocartesian

  -- * Distributive bicartesian categories
  , Distributive(..)

  -- * CCC's
  , CCC

  -- * Monoidal Functors
  , Semimonoidal(..), ap, ap2Applicative
  , Monoidal(..), return
  , Cosemimonoidal(..)
  , Comonoidal(..)

  -- * Monads
  , Semimonad(..)
  , Monad
  , Cosemimonad(..)
  , Comonad(..)

  -- * Monoids
  , Semigroup(..), multM
  , Monoid(..), oneM, mappend
  , Cosemigroup(..), zeroOp
  , Comonoid(..), comultOp

  -- * Strength
  , Strength(..)
  , Costrength(..)

  -- * Identity functors
  , Identity(..)

  -- * Kan extensions
  , HasRan(..)
  , HasLan(..)

  -- * Categories
  -- ** Products
  , Prod(..), runProd, runFst, runSnd, diagProdAdj, sumDiagAdj
  -- ** Unit
  , Unit(..)
  -- ** Empty
  , Empty(..), No

  -- * Candidates for Removal:
  , Semicategory

  -- * Internals
  -- ** Categories
  -- ** Composition
  , Compose1(..), Compose2(..), ComposeC
  -- ** Limits
  , Lim1(..), Lim2(..), Lim3(..), LimC(..)
  , Const1(..), Const2(..), ConstC
  , Colim1(..), Colim2(..)
  -- ** Identities
  , Id0(..), Id1(..), IdC
  -- ** Lifts
  , Lift1(..), Lift2(..), LiftC, LiftC2
  -- ** Copowers
  , Copower1(..), Copower2(..), Copower2_1(..)
  -- ** Kan extensions
  , Ran1(..), Lan1(..), Lan2(..)
  -- ** Base Re-exports
  , Constraint
  -- ** Prelude Re-Exports
  , undefined, ($)
  , Either(..), Maybe(..)
  -- ** Re-exports
  , Tagged(..), Proxy(..), Category(..), Void, absurd
  ) where

import qualified Control.Applicative as Base
import qualified Control.Arrow as Arrow
import Control.Category (Category(..))
import qualified Data.Constraint as Constraint
import Data.Constraint ((:-)(Sub), (\\), Dict(Dict), Class(..), (:=>)(..))
import qualified Data.Functor as Base
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Tagged
import qualified Data.Traversable as Base
import Data.Void
import qualified Prelude
import Prelude (Either(..), ($), either, Bool, undefined, Maybe(..))
import GHC.Exts (Constraint, Any)
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)

-- * A kind-indexed family of categories

infixr 0 ~>, `Nat`, `Hom`

-- | All of our categories will be denoted by the kinds of their arguments.
-- This is allows for enriched Homs
type family Hom :: i -> i -> k
type instance Hom = (->)     -- @* -> * -> *@
type instance Hom = Nat      -- @(i -> j) -> (i -> j) -> *@
type instance Hom = (:-)     -- @Constraint -> Constraint -> *@
type instance Hom = Unit     -- @() -> () -> *@
type instance Hom = Empty    -- @Void -> Void -> *@
type instance Hom = Prod     -- @(i,j) -> (i, j) -> *@
type instance Hom = Lift Hom -- automatically support Nat-enrichment, etc.
type instance Hom = (|-)     -- @Constraint -> Constraint -> Constraint@ the internal hom of (:-)

-- a boring unenriched Hom
type (~>) = (Hom :: i -> i -> *)

-- * convenience types that make it so we can avoid explicitly talking about the kinds as much as possible
type Dom  (f :: i -> j)      = (Hom :: i -> i -> *)
type Dom1 (f :: i -> j -> k) = (Hom :: j -> j -> *)
type Cod  (f :: i -> j)      = (Hom :: j -> j -> *)
type Cod2 (f :: i -> j -> k) = (Hom :: k -> k -> *)
type Arr  (a :: i)           = (Hom :: i -> i -> *)

type Enriched (k :: i -> i -> *) = (Hom :: i -> i -> j)
type Internal (k :: i -> i -> *) = (Hom :: i -> i -> i)
type External (k :: i -> i -> j) = (Hom :: i -> i -> *)
type Natural  (k :: j -> j -> *) = (Hom :: (i -> j) -> (i -> j) -> *)

infixr 8 ^
type a ^ b = Internal Hom b a

-- * Natural transformations (by using parametricity these are very strong)

newtype Nat f g = Nat { runNat :: forall a. f a ~> g a }

nat2 :: (forall a b. f a b ~> g a b) -> f ~> g
nat2 f = Nat (Nat f)

nat3 :: (forall a b c. f a b c ~> g a b c) -> f ~> g
nat3 f = Nat (Nat (Nat f))

nat4 :: (forall a b c d. f a b c d ~> g a b c d) -> f ~> g
nat4 f = Nat (Nat (Nat (Nat f)))

runNat2 = runNat . runNat
runNat3 = runNat . runNat . runNat
runNat4 = runNat . runNat . runNat . runNat

instance Category ((~>) :: j -> j -> *) => Category (Nat :: (i -> j) -> (i -> j) -> *) where
  id = Nat id
  Nat f . Nat g = Nat (f . g)

-- * Functors between these kind-indexed categories

class Functor (f :: x -> y) where
  fmap :: (a ~> b) -> f a ~> f b

instance Functor [] where fmap = Base.fmap
instance Functor Maybe where fmap = Base.fmap

first :: Functor f => (a ~> b) -> f a c ~> f b c
first = runNat . fmap

class Contravariant f where
  contramap :: (b ~> a) -> f a ~> f b

lmap :: Contravariant f => (a ~> b) -> f b c ~> f a c
lmap = runNat . contramap

-- * Bifunctors/profunctors through limits

-- | @LimC :: (i -> Constraint) -> Constraint@ takes limits in the category of constraints
-- @type instance Lim = LimC@
class LimC (p :: i -> Constraint) where
  limDict :: Dict (p a)

-- Abuses @Any@ because it inhabits every kind, not a good choice of Skolem, but the best we have

-- If you make any instances for @Any@, this will burn your house down and scatter the ashes. Don't do that.
instance p Any => LimC (p :: i -> Constraint) where
  limDict = case unsafeCoerce (id :: p Any :- p Any) :: p Any :- p a of
    Sub d -> d

instance Functor LimC where
  fmap f = dimap (Sub limDict) (Sub Dict) (runAny f) where
    runAny :: (p ~> q) -> p Any ~> q Any
    runAny = runNat

class (hom ~ Hom) => Composed (hom :: k -> k -> *) | k -> hom where
  type Compose :: (j -> k) -> (i -> j) -> i -> k
  compose   :: f (g a) `hom` Compose f g a
  decompose :: Compose f g a `hom` f (g a)

infixr 9 ยท
type (ยท) = Compose

-- | We can compose constraints
class f (g a) => ComposeC f g a
instance f (g a) => ComposeC f g a
instance Class (f (g a)) (ComposeC f g a) where cls = Sub Dict
instance f (g a) :=> ComposeC f g a where ins = Sub Dict

instance Composed (:-) where
  type Compose = ComposeC
  compose   = Sub Dict
  decompose = Sub Dict

class LimC (f ยท p) => Post f p
instance LimC (f ยท p) => Post f p

-- this would be tedious to hand enumerate and hard to keep current
-- instance Class (LimC (Compose f p)) (Post f p) where cls = Sub Dict
-- instance LimC (Compose f p) :=> Post f p where ins = Sub Dict

fmap1 :: forall p a b c. Post Functor p => (a ~> b) -> p c a ~> p c b
fmap1 f = case limDict :: Dict (Compose Functor p c) of Dict -> fmap f

fmap2 :: forall p a b c d. Post (Post Functor) p => (a ~> b) -> p c d a ~> p c d b
fmap2 f = case limDict :: Dict (Compose (Post Functor) p c) of
            Dict -> case limDict :: Dict (Compose Functor (p c) d) of
              Dict -> fmap f

contramap1 :: forall p a b c. Post Contravariant p => (a ~> b) -> p c b ~> p c a
contramap1 f = case limDict :: Dict (Compose Contravariant p c) of Dict -> contramap f

class (Functor p, Post Functor p) => Bifunctor p
instance (Functor p, Post Functor p) => Bifunctor p

bimap :: (Bifunctor p, Category (Cod2 p)) => (a ~> b) -> (c ~> d) -> p a c ~> p b d
bimap f g = first f . fmap1 g

class (Contravariant p, Post Functor p) => Profunctor p
instance (Contravariant p, Post Functor p) => Profunctor p

dimap :: (Profunctor p, Category (Cod2 p)) => (a ~> b) -> (c ~> d) -> p b c ~> p a d
dimap f g = lmap f . fmap1 g

type Iso s t a b = forall p. Profunctor p => p a b -> p s t
type Iso' s a = Iso s s a a

-- * Adjunctions

infixr 0 -|

-- | @f -| u@ indicates f is left adjoint to u
class (Functor f, Functor u) => f -| u | f -> u, u -> f where
  adj :: Iso (f a ~> b) (f a' ~> b') (a ~> u b) (a' ~> u b')

unitAdj :: (f -| u, Category (Dom u)) => a ~> u (f a)
unitAdj = get adj id

counitAdj :: (f -| u, Category (Dom f)) => f (u b) ~> b
counitAdj = beget adj id

-- given f -| u, u is a strong monoidal functor
-- @
-- ap0 = get adj terminal
-- ap2 = get zipR
-- @
zipR :: (f -| u, Cartesian (Dom u), Cartesian (Cod u))
     => Iso (u a * u b) (u a' * u b') (u (a * b)) (u (a' * b'))
zipR = dimap (get adj (beget adj fst &&& beget adj snd))
             (fmap fst &&& fmap snd)

absurdL :: (f -| u, Initial z) => Iso z z (f z) (f z)
absurdL = dimap initial (beget adj initial)

cozipL :: (f -| u, Cocartesian (Cod u), Cocartesian (Cod f))
       => Iso (f (a + b)) (f (a' + b')) (f a + f b) (f a' + f b')
cozipL = dimap
  (beget adj (get adj inl ||| get adj inr))
  (fmap inl ||| fmap inr)

-- tabulated :: (f -| u) => Iso (a ^ f One) (b ^ f One) (u a) (u b)
-- splitL :: (f -| u) => Iso (f a) (f a') (a * f One) (a' * f One)

-- these are all the instances of kind * -> *
-- Unfortunately that isn't true, as functors to/from k -> * that are polymorphic in k
-- overlap with these instances!
-- instance Base.Functor f => Functor f where
--   fmap = Prelude.fmap

-- instance Contravariant.Contravariant f => Contravariant f where
--    contramap = Contravariant.contramap

instance Category ((~>) :: j -> j -> *) => Functor (Nat f :: (i -> j) -> *) where
  fmap = (.)

instance Functor ((:-) f) where
  fmap = fmap1

-- .. and back
class Const ~ k => Constant (k :: j -> i -> j) | j i -> k where
  type Const :: j -> i -> j
  _Const :: Iso (k b a) (k b' a') b b'

newtype Const1 b a = Const { getConst :: b }

instance Constant Const1 where
  type Const = Const1
  _Const = dimap getConst Const

instance Functor Const1 where
  fmap f = Nat (_Const f)

instance Functor (Const1 b) where
  fmap _ = _Const id

instance Contravariant (Const1 b) where
  contramap _ = _Const id

instance (Semigroup b, Precartesian ((~>) :: i -> i -> *)) => Semimonoidal (Const1 b :: i -> *) where
  ap2 = beget _Const . mult . bimap (get _Const) (get _Const)

instance (Monoid b, Cartesian ((~>) :: i -> i -> *)) => Monoidal (Const1 b :: i -> *) where
  ap0 = beget _Const . one

instance Semigroup b => Semigroup (Const1 b a) where
  mult = beget _Const . mult . bimap (get _Const) (get _Const)

instance Monoid b => Monoid (Const1 b a) where
  one = beget _Const . one

instance (Cosemigroup b, Precocartesian ((~>) :: i -> i -> *)) => Cosemimonoidal (Const1 b :: i -> *) where
  op2 = bimap (beget _Const) (beget _Const) . comult . get _Const

instance (Comonoid b, Cocartesian ((~>) :: i -> i -> *)) => Comonoidal (Const1 b :: i -> *) where
  op0 = zero . get _Const

instance Cosemigroup b => Cosemigroup (Const1 b a) where
  comult = bimap (beget _Const) (beget _Const) . comult . get _Const

instance Comonoid b => Comonoid (Const1 b a) where
  zero = zero . get _Const

newtype Const2 (f :: j -> *) (a :: i) (c :: j) = Const2 { getConst2 :: f c }

instance Constant Const2 where
  type Const = Const2
  _Const = dimap (Nat getConst2) (Nat Const2)

instance Functor Const2 where
  fmap f = Nat (_Const f)

instance Functor (Const2 f) where
  fmap _ = Nat $ Const2 . getConst2

instance Functor f => Functor (Const2 f a) where
  fmap f = Const2 . fmap f . getConst2

instance (Semigroup b, Precartesian ((~>) :: i -> i -> *)) => Semimonoidal (Const2 b :: i -> j -> *) where
  ap2 = beget _Const . mult . bimap (get _Const) (get _Const)

instance (Monoid b, Cartesian ((~>) :: i -> i -> *)) => Monoidal (Const2 b :: i -> j -> *) where
  ap0 = beget _Const . one

instance Semigroup b => Semigroup (Const2 b a) where
  mult = beget _Const . mult . bimap (get _Const) (get _Const)

instance Monoid b => Monoid (Const2 b a) where
  one = beget _Const . one

instance (Cosemigroup b, Precocartesian ((~>) :: i -> i -> *)) => Cosemimonoidal (Const2 b :: i -> j -> *) where
  op2 = bimap (beget _Const) (beget _Const) . comult . get _Const

instance (Comonoid b, Cocartesian ((~>) :: i -> i -> *)) => Comonoidal (Const2 b :: i -> j -> *) where
  op0 = zero . get _Const

instance Cosemigroup b => Cosemigroup (Const2 b a) where
  comult = bimap (beget _Const) (beget _Const) . comult . get _Const

instance Comonoid b => Comonoid (Const2 b a) where
  zero = zero . get _Const

class b => ConstC b a
instance b => ConstC b a

instance Constant ConstC where
  type Const = ConstC
  _Const = dimap (Sub Dict) (Sub Dict)

instance Functor ConstC where
  fmap f = Nat (_Const f)

instance Functor (ConstC b) where
  fmap _ = Sub Dict

instance (Semigroup b, Precartesian ((~>) :: i -> i -> *)) => Semimonoidal (ConstC b :: i -> Constraint) where
  ap2 = beget _Const . mult . bimap (get _Const) (get _Const)

instance (Monoid b, Cartesian ((~>) :: i -> i -> *)) => Monoidal (ConstC b :: i -> Constraint) where
  ap0 = beget _Const . one

-- instance Semigroup b => Semigroup (ConstC b a) -- all constraints form a semigroup already

instance Monoid b => Monoid (ConstC b a) where
  one = beget _Const . one

instance (Cosemigroup b, Precocartesian ((~>) :: i -> i -> *)) => Cosemimonoidal (ConstC b :: i -> Constraint) where
  op2 = bimap (beget _Const) (beget _Const) . comult . get _Const

instance (Comonoid b, Cocartesian ((~>) :: i -> i -> *)) => Comonoidal (ConstC b :: i -> Constraint) where
  op0 = zero . get _Const

instance Cosemigroup b => Cosemigroup (ConstC b a) where
  comult = bimap (beget _Const) (beget _Const) . comult . get _Const

instance Comonoid b => Comonoid (ConstC b a) where
  zero = zero . get _Const

class f c => ConstC2 f a c
instance f c => ConstC2 f a c
instance Class (f c) (ConstC2 f a c) where cls = Sub Dict
instance f c :=> ConstC2 f a c where ins = Sub Dict

instance Constant ConstC2 where
  type Const = ConstC2
  _Const = dimap (Nat (Sub Dict)) (Nat (Sub Dict))

instance Functor ConstC2 where
  fmap f = Nat (_Const f)

instance Functor (ConstC2 f) where
  fmap _ = Nat $ ins . cls

instance Functor f => Functor (ConstC2 f a) where
  fmap f = ins . fmap f . cls

instance (Semigroup b, Precartesian ((~>) :: i -> i -> *)) => Semimonoidal (ConstC2 b :: i -> j -> Constraint) where
  ap2 = beget _Const . mult . bimap (get _Const) (get _Const)

instance (Monoid b, Cartesian ((~>) :: i -> i -> *)) => Monoidal (ConstC2 b :: i -> j -> Constraint) where
  ap0 = beget _Const . one

instance Semigroup b => Semigroup (ConstC2 b a) where
  mult = beget _Const . mult . bimap (get _Const) (get _Const)

instance Monoid b => Monoid (ConstC2 b a) where
  one = beget _Const . one

instance (Cosemigroup b, Precocartesian ((~>) :: i -> i -> *)) => Cosemimonoidal (ConstC2 b :: i -> j -> Constraint) where
  op2 = bimap (beget _Const) (beget _Const) . comult . get _Const

instance (Comonoid b, Cocartesian ((~>) :: i -> i -> *)) => Comonoidal (ConstC2 b :: i -> j -> Constraint) where
  op0 = zero . get _Const

instance Cosemigroup b => Cosemigroup (ConstC2 b a) where
  comult = bimap (beget _Const) (beget _Const) . comult . get _Const

instance Comonoid b => Comonoid (ConstC2 b a) where
  zero = zero . get _Const

newtype Lim1 (f :: i -> *) = Lim { getLim :: forall x. f x }
-- type instance Lim = Lim1

instance Functor Lim1 where
  fmap (Nat f) (Lim g) = Lim (f g)

instance Semimonoidal Lim1 where
  ap2 (Lim f, Lim g) = Lim (Lift (f, g))

instance Monoidal Lim1 where
  ap0 () = Lim $ Const ()

instance Semigroup m => Semigroup (Lim1 m) where
  mult = multM

instance Monoid m => Monoid (Lim1 m) where
  one = oneM

instance Const1 -| Lim1 where
  adj = dimap (\f a -> Lim (runNat f (Const a))) $ \h -> Nat $ getLim . h . getConst

newtype Lim2 (f :: i -> j -> *) (y :: j) = Lim2 { getLim2 :: forall x. f x y }
-- type instance Lim = Lim2

newtype Lim3 (f :: i -> j -> k -> *) (y :: j) (z :: k) = Lim3 { getLim3 :: forall x. f x y z }
-- type instance Lim = Lim3

instance Functor Lim2 where
  fmap f = Nat $ \(Lim2 g) -> Lim2 (runNat (runNat f) g)

-- instance Monoidal Lim2 -- instantiate when Nat on 2 arguments is made Cartesian

instance Const2 -| Lim2 where
  adj = dimap (\(Nat f) -> Nat $ \ a -> Lim2 (runNat f (Const2 a))) $ \(Nat h) -> nat2 $ getLim2 . h . getConst2

instance Semimonoidal LimC where
  ap2 = get zipR

instance Monoidal LimC where
  ap0 = Sub Dict

-- instance Semigroup m => Semigroup (LimC m) where mult = multM

instance Monoid m => Monoid (LimC m) where
  one = oneM

instance ConstC -| LimC where
  adj = dimap (hither . runNat) (\b -> Nat $ dimap (Sub Dict) (Sub limDict) b) where
    hither :: (ConstC a Any :- f Any) -> a :- LimC f
    hither = dimap (Sub Dict) (Sub Dict)

-- | A complete category has all small limits.

class hom ~ Hom => Complete (hom :: j -> j -> *) | j -> hom where
  type Lim :: (i -> j) -> j

  elim :: hom (Lim g) (g a)

  -- The explicit witness here allows us to quantify over all kinds i.
  complete :: Dict (Const -| (Lim :: (i -> j) -> j))
  default complete :: (Const -| (Lim :: (i -> j) -> j)) => Dict (Const -| (Lim :: (i-> j) -> j))
  complete = Dict

instance Complete (->) where
  type Lim = Lim1
  elim = getLim
  complete = Dict

instance Complete (Nat :: (i -> *) -> (i -> *) -> *) where
  type Lim = Lim2
  elim = Nat getLim2
  complete = Dict

instance Complete ((:-) :: Constraint -> Constraint -> *) where
  type Lim = LimC
  elim = Sub limDict
  complete = Dict

--instance Limited Lim3 where
--  elim = nat2 getLim3

-- all functors to * are continuous
continuous :: (Functor f, Complete (Dom f)) => f (l g) -> Lim (f ยท g)
continuous f = Lim $ compose (fmap elim f)

-- all functors to k -> * are continuous
continuous1 :: (Functor f, Complete (Dom f)) => f (l g) `Nat` Lim (Compose2 f g)
continuous1 = Nat $ \f -> Lim2 $ runNat (compose . fmap elim) f

-- all functors to Constraint are continuous
continuousC :: (Functor f, Complete (Dom f)) => f (l g) :- Lim (ComposeC f g)
continuousC = limC . fmap elim where
  limC :: f (g Any) :- LimC (ComposeC f g)
  limC = Sub Dict

-- * Support for Tagged and Proxy

instance Functor Tagged where
  fmap _ = Nat (_Tagged id)

instance Functor (Tagged e) where
  fmap = Prelude.fmap

_Tagged :: Iso (Tagged s a) (Tagged t b) a b
_Tagged = dimap unTagged Tagged

instance Functor Proxy where
  fmap _ Proxy = Proxy

instance Contravariant Proxy where
  contramap _ Proxy = Proxy

-- * Dictionaries

-- Dict :: Constraint -> * switches categories from the category of constraints to Hask
instance Functor Dict where
  fmap p Dict = Dict \\ p

-- * Lift

-- Lifting lets us define things an index up from simpler parts, recycle products, etc.

-- modify Lifted to use the category l
class hom ~ Hom => Lifted (hom :: l -> l -> *) where
  type Lift :: (j -> k -> l) -> (i -> j) -> (i -> k) -> (i -> l)
  _Lift :: forall (q :: j -> k -> l) (r :: j -> k -> l) (f :: i -> j) (h :: i -> j) (g :: i -> k) (e :: i -> k) (a :: i) (b :: i).
     Iso (Lift q f g a) (Lift r h e b) (q (f a) (g a)) (r (h b) (e b))

-- ** Lift1

newtype Lift1 p f g a = Lift { lower :: p (f a) (g a) }

instance Lifted (->) where
  type Lift = Lift1
  _Lift = dimap lower Lift

instance Functor Lift1 where
  fmap f = nat3 $ _Lift $ runNat2 f

instance Functor p => Functor (Lift1 p) where
  fmap f = nat2 $ _Lift $ first $ runNat f

instance Contravariant p => Contravariant (Lift1 p) where
  contramap f = nat2 $ _Lift $ lmap $ runNat f

instance Post Contravariant p => Contravariant (Lift1 p f) where
  contramap (Nat f) = Nat $ _Lift (contramap1 f)

instance Post Functor p => Functor (Lift1 p f) where
  fmap (Nat f) = Nat (_Lift $ fmap1 f)

instance (Functor p, Post Functor p, Functor f, Functor g) => Functor (Lift1 p f g) where
  fmap f = _Lift (bimap (fmap f) (fmap f))

-- ** LiftC

class r (p a) (q a) => LiftC r p q a
instance r (p a) (q a) => LiftC r p q a

instance Functor p => Functor (LiftC p) where
  fmap f = nat2 $ _Lift $ first $ runNat f

instance Contravariant p => Contravariant (LiftC p) where
  contramap f = nat2 $ _Lift $ lmap $ runNat f

instance Post Functor p => Functor (LiftC p e) where
  fmap (Nat f) = Nat (_Lift $ fmap1 f)

instance Post Contravariant p => Contravariant (LiftC p e) where
  contramap (Nat f) = Nat (_Lift $ contramap1 f)

instance Lifted (:-) where
  type Lift = LiftC
  _Lift = dimap (Sub Dict) (Sub Dict)

class r (f a) (g a) b => LiftC2 r f g a b
instance r (f a) (g a) b => LiftC2 r f g a b

instance Functor LiftC2 where
  fmap f = nat3 $ _Lift $ runNat2 f  -- nat3 $ _Lift $ undefined -- TODO _heh

instance Functor p => Functor (LiftC2 p) where
  fmap f = nat2 $ _Lift $ first $ runNat f

instance Contravariant p => Contravariant (LiftC2 p) where
  contramap f = nat2 $ _Lift $ lmap $ runNat f

instance Post Functor p => Functor (LiftC2 p f) where
  fmap (Nat f) = Nat (_Lift $ fmap1 f)

instance Post Contravariant p => Contravariant (LiftC2 p f) where
  contramap = contramap1

instance Lifted (Nat :: (i -> Constraint) -> (i -> Constraint) -> *) where
  type Lift = LiftC2
  _Lift = dimap (Nat (Sub Dict)) (Nat (Sub Dict))

-- ** Lift2

newtype Lift2 p f g a b = Lift2 { lower2 :: p (f a) (g a) b }

instance Lifted (Nat :: (i -> *) -> (i -> *) -> *) where
  type Lift = Lift2
  _Lift = dimap (Nat lower2) (Nat Lift2)

instance Functor Lift2 where
  fmap f = nat3 $ _Lift $ runNat2 f

instance Functor p => Functor (Lift2 p) where
  fmap f = nat2 $ _Lift $ first $ runNat f

instance Contravariant p => Contravariant (Lift2 p) where
  contramap f = nat2 $ _Lift $ lmap $ runNat f

instance Post Functor p => Functor (Lift2 p f) where
  fmap (Nat f) = Nat (_Lift $ fmap1 f)

instance Post Contravariant p => Contravariant (Lift2 p f) where
  contramap = contramap1

-- Lifting adjunctions

-- instance (f -| g, f' -| g') => Lift1 Either f f' -| Lift1 (,) g g' where ?
-- instance (Post Functor p, Post Functor q, Compose p =| Compose q) => Lift1 p e -| Lift1 q e ?

-- * Functors

-- ** Products

-- *** Hask

instance Functor (,) where
  fmap f = Nat (Arrow.first f)

instance Functor ((,) a) where
  fmap = Arrow.second

-- *** Constraint

infixr 2 &

-- needed because we can't partially apply (,) in the world of constraints
class (p, q) => p & q
instance (p, q) => p & q

-- Natural transformations form a category, using parametricity as a (stronger) proxy for naturality

instance Functor (&) where
  fmap f = Nat $ Sub $ Dict \\ f

instance Functor ((&) p) where
  fmap p = Sub $ Dict \\ p

-- ** Coproducts

-- *** Hask

instance Functor Either where
  fmap f = Nat (Arrow.left f)

-- ** Homs

-- *** Hask
instance Functor ((->) e) where
  fmap = (.)

-- ** Constraint

instance Contravariant (:-) where
  contramap f = Nat $ dimap Self runSelf (lmap f)

-- * Misc

instance Functor (Either e) where
  fmap = Arrow.right

-- ** Lens esoterica

data Via (a :: x) (b :: x) (s :: x) (t :: x) where
  Via :: (s ~> a) -> (b ~> t) -> Via a b s t

instance Post Functor ((~>) :: x -> x -> *) => Functor (Via :: x -> x -> x -> x -> *) where
  fmap f = nat3 $ \(Via sa bt) -> Via (fmap1 f sa) bt

instance Post Contravariant ((~>) :: x -> x -> *) => Contravariant (Via :: x -> x -> x -> x -> *) where
  contramap f = nat3 $ \(Via sa bt) -> Via (contramap1 f sa) bt

instance Functor ((~>) :: x -> x -> *) => Functor (Via a :: x -> x -> x -> *) where
  fmap f = nat2 $ \(Via sa bt) -> Via sa (first f bt)

instance Contravariant ((~>) :: x -> x -> *) => Contravariant (Via a :: x -> x -> x -> *) where
  contramap f = nat2 $ \(Via sa bt) -> Via sa (lmap f bt)

instance Functor ((~>) :: x -> x -> *) => Functor (Via a b :: x -> x -> *) where
  fmap f = Nat $ \(Via sa bt) -> Via (first f sa) bt

instance Contravariant ((~>) :: x -> x -> *) => Contravariant (Via a b :: x -> x -> *) where
  contramap f = Nat $ \(Via sa bt) -> Via (lmap f sa) bt

instance Post Functor ((~>) :: x -> x -> *) => Functor (Via a b s :: x -> *) where
  fmap f (Via sa bt) = Via sa (fmap1 f bt)

instance Post Contravariant ((~>) :: x -> x -> *) => Contravariant (Via a b s :: x -> *) where
  contramap f (Via sa bt) = Via sa (contramap1 f bt)

-- |
-- @
-- get   = via _Get
-- beget = via _Beget
-- un    = via _Un
-- @
via :: forall (a :: *) (b :: *) (r :: *) (p :: x -> x -> *) (c :: x) (t :: *) (u :: *).
     Category p => (Via a b a b -> Via r (p c c) u t) -> (t -> u) -> r
via l m = case l (Via id id) of
  Via csa dbt -> csa $ m (dbt id)

mapping :: (Functor f, Functor f', Category (Dom f)) => (Via a b a b -> Via a b s t) -> Iso (f s) (f' t) (f a) (f' b)
mapping l = case l (Via id id) of
  Via csa dbt -> dimap (fmap csa) (fmap dbt)

mapping1 :: (Post Functor f, Post Functor f', Category (Dom1 f)) => (Via a b a b -> Via a b s t) -> Iso (f i s) (f' j t) (f i a) (f' j b)
mapping1 l = case l (Via id id) of
  Via csa dbt -> dimap (fmap1 csa) (fmap1 dbt)

firstly :: (Functor f, Functor f', Category (Dom f)) => (Via a b a b -> Via a b s t) -> Iso (f s x) (f' t y) (f a x) (f' b y)
firstly l = case l (Via id id) of
  Via csa dbt -> dimap (first csa) (first dbt)

lmapping :: (Contravariant f, Contravariant f', Category (Dom f)) => (Via s t s t -> Via s t a b) -> Iso (f s x) (f' t y) (f a x) (f' b y)
lmapping l = case l (Via id id) of
  Via csa dbt -> dimap (lmap csa) (lmap dbt)

swapping :: (Profunctor f, Profunctor f', Category (Dom f), Category (Cod2 f), Category (Cod2 f'))
         => (Via a b a b -> Via a b s t) -> Iso (f a s) (f' b t) (f s a) (f' t b)
swapping l = case l (Via id id) of
  Via csa dbt -> dimap (dimap csa csa) (dimap dbt dbt)

post :: Category (Arr i) => (Via a b a b -> Via a b s t) -> Iso (i ~> s) (j ~> t) (i ~> a) (j ~> b)
post l = case l (Via id id) of
  Via csa dbt -> dimap (csa .) (dbt .)

pre :: Category (Arr i) => (Via a b a b -> Via a b s t) -> Iso (a ~> i) (b ~> j) (s ~> i) (t ~> j)
pre l = case l (Via id id) of
  Via csa dbt -> dimap (. csa) (. dbt)

-- * The @Hom@ of an (unenriched) category explicitly as a Profunctor

newtype Self a b = Self { runSelf :: a ~> b }
_Self = dimap runSelf Self

instance Category ((~>) :: x -> x -> *) => Contravariant (Self :: x -> x -> *) where
  contramap f = Nat (_Self (.f))

instance Category (Arr a) => Functor (Self a) where
  fmap g (Self h) = Self (g . h)

instance Precartesian (Arr a) => Semimonoidal (Self a :: x -> *) where
  ap2 (ea, eb) = Self (runSelf ea &&& runSelf eb)

instance Cartesian (Arr a) => Monoidal (Self a :: x -> *) where
  ap0 () = Self terminal

instance (Precartesian (Arr a), Semigroup b) => Semigroup (Self a b) where
  mult = multM

instance (Cartesian (Arr a), Monoid b) => Monoid (Self a b) where
  one = oneM

instance Contravariant (->) where
  contramap f = Nat (. f)

instance Contravariant ((~>)::j->j-> *) => Contravariant (Nat::(i->j)->(i->j)-> *) where
  contramap (Nat f) = Nat $ \g -> Nat $ lmap f $ runNat g

instance Contravariant Tagged where
  contramap _ = Nat (_Tagged id)

instance Contravariant (Const2 k) where
  contramap _ = _Const id

-- | Get is the Yoneda embedding C -> [ C^op, Set]
-- How? We can view it as a functor from C -> [ C^op X 1, Set ] with the latter embedded in Prof.
-- Where does the 1 come from? We use the existence of Contravariance and Covariance in all arguments to make a
-- category where every object is the same as long as the kind chosen has either an initial or a terminal object.
-- But get is polymorphic in the choice of kind for the 'b' parameter, making it possible to choose it to be anything
-- you want.
newtype Get r a b = Get { runGet :: a ~> r }
_Get = dimap runGet Get

instance Category ((~>) :: i -> i -> *) => Functor (Get :: i -> i -> k -> *) where
  fmap f = nat2 $ _Get (f .)

instance Category (Arr r) => Contravariant (Get r) where
  contramap f = Nat (_Get (. f))

instance Contravariant (Get r a) where
  contramap _ = _Get id

instance Functor (Get r a) where
  fmap _ = _Get id

get :: (Category c, c ~ (~>)) => (Get a a a -> Get a s s) -> c s a
get l = runGet $ l (Get id)
-- get = via _Get

-- | Beget is the contravariant Yoneda embedding. C^op -> [C, Set]
-- we can view it as a functor from C^op -> [ 1^op X C, Set ] with the latter embedded in Prof.
newtype Beget r a b = Beget { runBeget :: r ~> b }
_Beget = dimap runBeget Beget

instance Category ((~>) :: i -> i -> *) => Contravariant (Beget :: i -> k -> i -> *) where
  contramap f = nat2 $ _Beget (. f)

instance Functor (Beget r) where
  fmap _ = Nat $ _Beget id

instance Contravariant (Beget r) where
  contramap _ = Nat $ _Beget id

instance Category ((~>) :: i -> i -> *) => Functor (Beget (r :: i) (a :: k)) where
  fmap f = _Beget (f .)

beget :: (Category c, c ~ (~>)) => (Beget b b b -> Beget b t t) -> c b t
beget l = runBeget $ l (Beget id)
-- beget = via _Beget

(#) :: (Beget b b b -> Beget b t t) -> b -> t
(#) = beget

-- * Un

-- signatures needed to require endoprofunctors
newtype Un (p::i->i->j) (a::i) (b::i) (s::i) (t::i) = Un { runUn :: p t s ~> p b a }
_Un = dimap runUn Un

instance (Category ((~>)::j->j-> *), Post Functor p) => Contravariant (Un (p::i->i->j) a b) where
  contramap f = Nat $ _Un $ dimap Self runSelf $ lmap (fmap1 f)

instance (Category ((~>)::j->j-> *), Post Contravariant p) => Functor (Un (p::i->i->j) a b) where
  fmap f = Nat $ _Un $ dimap Self runSelf $ lmap (contramap1 f)

instance (Category ((~>)::j->j-> *), Contravariant p) => Functor (Un (p::i->i->j) a b s) where
  fmap g = _Un $ dimap Self runSelf $ lmap (lmap g)

instance (Category ((~>)::j->j-> *), Functor p) => Contravariant (Un (p::i->i->j) a b s) where
  contramap f = _Un $ dimap Self runSelf $ lmap (first f)

un :: (Un p a b a b -> Un p a b s t) -> p t s -> p b a
un l = runUn $ l (Un id)
-- un = via _Un

class (Contravariant p, Functor p) => Phantom p
instance (Contravariant p, Functor p) => Phantom p

class (Functor p, Profunctor (Cod2 p), Category (Cod2 p)) => Semitensor (p :: x -> x -> x) where
  type Tensorable (p :: x -> x -> x) :: x -> Constraint
  type Tensorable p = Const (() :: Constraint)

  second :: (Tensorable p c) => (a ~> b) -> p c a ~> p c b
  -- leaving this off as the type errors when you omit 'second' are pretty terrible if you needed another implementation!
  -- default second :: Post Functor p => (a ~> b) -> p c a ~> p c b
  -- second = fmap1

  associate :: (Tensorable p a, Tensorable p b, Tensorable p c, Tensorable p a', Tensorable p b', Tensorable p c')
            => Iso (p (p a b) c) (p (p a' b') c') (p a (p b c)) (p a' (p b' c'))

second1 :: forall p a b c x. (Semitensor p, Post (Tensorable p) c) => (a ~> b) -> p (c x) a ~> p (c x) b
second1 = case limDict :: Dict (Compose (Tensorable p) c x) of
  Dict -> second

associate1 :: forall a b c a' b' c' p x. (Semitensor p, Post (Tensorable p) a, Post (Tensorable p) b, Post (Tensorable p) c,
                Post (Tensorable p) a', Post (Tensorable p) b', Post (Tensorable p) c')
           => Iso (p (p (a x) (b x)) (c x)) (p (p (a' x) (b' x)) (c' x)) (p (a x) (p (b x) (c x))) (p (a' x) (p (b' x) (c' x)))
associate1 = case limDict :: Dict (Compose (Tensorable p) a x) of
  Dict -> case limDict :: Dict (Compose (Tensorable p) b x) of
    Dict -> case limDict :: Dict (Compose (Tensorable p) c x) of
      Dict -> case limDict :: Dict (Compose (Tensorable p) a' x) of
        Dict -> case limDict :: Dict (Compose (Tensorable p) b' x) of
          Dict -> case limDict :: Dict (Compose (Tensorable p) c' x) of
            Dict -> associate

instance Semitensor (,) where
  second = fmap1
  associate   = dimap (\((a,b),c) -> (a,(b,c)))
                      (\(a,(b,c)) -> ((a,b),c))

instance Semitensor Either where
  second = fmap1
  associate = dimap hither yon where
    hither (Left (Left a)) = Left a
    hither (Left (Right b)) = Right (Left b)
    hither (Right c) = Right (Right c)
    yon (Left a) = Left (Left a)
    yon (Right (Left b)) = Left (Right b)
    yon (Right (Right c)) = Right c

instance Semitensor (&) where
  second = fmap1
  associate   = dimap (Sub Dict) (Sub Dict)

type family I (p :: x -> x -> x) :: x

-- tensor for a monoidal category
class Semitensor p => Tensor p where
  lambda :: (Tensorable p a, Tensorable p a') => Iso (p (I p) a) (p (I p) a') a a'
  rho    :: (Tensorable p a, Tensorable p a') => Iso (p a (I p)) (p a' (I p)) a a'

lambda1 :: forall a a' p x. (Tensor p, Post (Tensorable p) a, Post (Tensorable p) a') => Iso (p (I p) (a x)) (p (I p) (a' x)) (a x) (a' x)
lambda1 = case limDict :: Dict (Compose (Tensorable p) a x) of
  Dict -> case limDict :: Dict (Compose (Tensorable p) a' x) of
    Dict -> lambda

rho1 :: forall a a' p x. (Tensor p, Post (Tensorable p) a, Post (Tensorable p) a') => Iso (p (a x) (I p)) (p (a' x) (I p)) (a x) (a' x)
rho1 = case limDict :: Dict (Compose (Tensorable p) a x) of
  Dict -> case limDict :: Dict (Compose (Tensorable p) a' x) of
    Dict -> rho

type instance I (,) = ()
instance Tensor (,) where
  lambda = dimap (\((), a) -> a) ((,) ())
  rho    = dimap (\(a, ()) -> a) (\a -> (a, ()))

type instance I Either = Void
instance Tensor Either where
  lambda = dimap (\(Right a) -> a) Right
  rho = dimap (\(Left a) -> a) Left

type instance I (&) = (() :: Constraint)
instance Tensor (&) where
  lambda      = dimap (Sub Dict) (Sub Dict)
  rho         = dimap (Sub Dict) (Sub Dict)

instance Semitensor p => Semitensor (Lift1 p) where
  type Tensorable (Lift1 p) = Post (Tensorable p)
  second f = Nat $ _Lift $ second1 $ runNat f
  associate   = dimap
    (Nat $ _Lift $ second1 Lift . get associate1 . first (get _Lift))
    (Nat $ _Lift $ first Lift . beget associate1 . second1 (get _Lift))

type instance I (Lift1 p) = Const1 (I p)
instance Tensor p => Tensor (Lift1 p) where
  lambda = dimap (Nat $ lmap (first (get _Const) . get _Lift) (get lambda1))
                 (Nat $ fmap1 (beget _Lift . first (beget _Const)) (beget lambda1))
  rho = dimap (Nat $ lmap (second1 (get _Const) . get _Lift) (get rho1))
              (Nat $ fmap1 (beget _Lift . second1 (beget _Const)) (beget rho1))

instance Semitensor p => Semitensor (Lift2 (p :: (i -> *) -> (i -> *) -> i -> *)) where
  type Tensorable (Lift2 p) = Post (Tensorable p)
  second f = Nat $ _Lift $ second1 $ runNat f
  associate   = dimap
    (Nat $ _Lift $ second1 (beget _Lift) . get associate1 . first (get _Lift))
    (Nat $ _Lift $ first (beget _Lift) . beget associate1 . second1 (get _Lift))

type instance I (Lift2 p) = Const2 (I p)
instance Tensor p => Tensor (Lift2 p) where
  lambda = dimap
    (Nat $ lmap (first (get _Const) . get _Lift) (get lambda1))
    (Nat $ fmap1 (beget _Lift . first (beget _Const)) (beget lambda1))
  rho = dimap (Nat $ lmap (second1 (get _Const) . get _Lift) (get rho1))
              (Nat $ fmap1 (beget _Lift . second1 (beget _Const)) (beget rho1))

instance Semitensor p => Semitensor (LiftC p) where
  type Tensorable (LiftC p) = Post (Tensorable p)
  second f = Nat $ _Lift $ second1 $ runNat f
  associate   = dimap
    (Nat $ _Lift $ second1 (beget _Lift) . get associate1 . first (get _Lift))
    (Nat $ _Lift $ first (beget _Lift) . beget associate1 . second1 (get _Lift))

type instance I (LiftC p) = ConstC (I p)
instance Tensor p => Tensor (LiftC p) where
  lambda = dimap
    (Nat $ lmap (first (get _Const) . get _Lift) (get lambda1))
    (Nat $ fmap1 (beget _Lift . first (beget _Const)) (beget lambda1))
  rho = dimap (Nat $ lmap (second1 (get _Const) . get _Lift) (get rho1))
              (Nat $ fmap1 (beget _Lift . second1 (beget _Const)) (beget rho1))

instance Semitensor p => Semitensor (LiftC2 p) where
  type Tensorable (LiftC2 p) = Post (Tensorable p)
  second f = Nat $ _Lift $ second1 $ runNat f
  associate   = dimap
    (Nat $ _Lift $ second1 (beget _Lift) . get associate1 . first (get _Lift))
    (Nat $ _Lift $ first (beget _Lift) . beget associate1 . second1 (get _Lift))

type instance I (LiftC2 p) = ConstC2 (I p)
instance Tensor p => Tensor (LiftC2 p) where
  lambda = dimap
    (Nat $ lmap (first (get _Const) . get _Lift) (get lambda1))
    (Nat $ fmap1 (beget _Lift . first (beget _Const)) (beget lambda1))
  rho = dimap (Nat $ lmap (second1 (get _Const) . get _Lift) (get rho1))
              (Nat $ fmap1 (beget _Lift . second1 (beget _Const)) (beget rho1))

-- * Internal hom of a closed category

class (Profunctor (Internal k), Category k, k ~ Hom) => Closed (k :: i -> i -> *)  where
  iota :: Iso (Internal k (I (Internal k)) a) (Internal k (I (Internal k)) b) a b
  default iota :: (CCC k, Curryable (*) b, Tensorable (*) b, Tensorable (*) (Internal k (I (*)) a))
               => Iso (Internal k (I (Internal k)) a) (Internal k (I (Internal k)) b) a b
  iota = dimap (apply . beget rho) (curry (get rho))

  jot  :: I (Internal k) ~> Internal k a a
  default jot :: (CCC k, Tensorable (*) a) => I (Internal k) ~> Internal k a a
  jot = curry (get lambda)

type instance I (->) = ()
type instance I (|-) = (() :: Constraint)

instance Closed (->)
instance Closed (:-)
instance Closed (Nat :: (i -> *) -> (i -> *) -> *)
instance Closed (Nat :: (i -> Constraint) -> (i -> Constraint) -> *)

-- instance Closed (Nat :: (i -> j -> *) -> (i -> j -> *) -> *)

-- symmetric monoidal category
class Bifunctor p => Symmetric p where
  swap :: p a b ~> p b a

instance Symmetric (,) where
  swap (a,b) = (b, a)

instance Symmetric (&) where
  swap = Sub Dict

instance Symmetric Either where
  swap = either Right Left

instance Symmetric p => Symmetric (Lift1 p) where
  swap = Nat $ _Lift swap

instance Symmetric p => Symmetric (Lift2 p) where
  swap = Nat $ _Lift swap

instance Symmetric p => Symmetric (LiftC p) where
  swap = Nat $ _Lift swap

instance Symmetric p => Symmetric (LiftC2 p) where
  swap = Nat $ _Lift swap

class One ~ t => Terminal (t :: i) | i -> t where
  type One :: i
  terminal :: a ~> t

instance Terminal () where
  type One = ()
  terminal _ = ()

-- we can only offer the terminal object for Nat :: (i -> *), not Nat :: (i -> j)
instance Terminal t => Terminal (Const1 t) where
  type One = Const1 One
  terminal = Nat (beget _Const . terminal)

instance Terminal t => Terminal (Const2 t) where
  type One = Const2 One
  terminal = Nat (beget _Const . terminal)

instance Terminal (() :: Constraint) where
  type One = (() :: Constraint)
  terminal = Constraint.top

instance Terminal (ConstC ()) where
  type One = ConstC ()
  terminal = Nat (beget _Const . terminal)

instance Terminal t => Terminal (ConstC2 t) where
  type One = ConstC2 One
  terminal = Nat (beget _Const . terminal)

class Zero ~ t => Initial (t :: i) | i -> t where
  type Zero :: i
  initial :: t ~> a

instance Initial Void where
  type Zero = Void
  initial = absurd

-- we can only offer the initial object for Nat :: (i -> *), not Nat :: (i -> j)
instance Initial i => Initial (Const1 i) where
  type Zero = Const1 Zero
  initial = Nat $ initial . get _Const

instance Initial i => Initial (Const2 i) where
  type Zero = Const2 Zero
  initial = Nat $ initial . get _Const

instance Initial (() ~ Bool) where
  type Zero = () ~ Bool
  initial = Constraint.bottom

instance Initial i => Initial (ConstC i) where
  type Zero = ConstC Zero
  initial = Nat $ initial . get _Const

infixl 7 *

-- | This is factored out of Precartesian so that we can also use it for copowers/tensors
type family Copower :: i -> j -> j
type (*) = (Copower :: i -> i -> i) -- (*) is a self-copower

class (h ~ (~>), Symmetric ((*)::i->i->i), Semitensor ((*)::i->i->i)) => Precartesian (h :: i -> i -> *) | i -> h where
  fst   :: forall (a::i) (b::i). a * b ~> a
  snd   :: forall (a::i) (b::i). a * b ~> b
  (&&&) :: forall (a::i) (b::i) (c::i). (a ~> b) -> (a ~> c) -> a ~> b * c

class    (h ~ (~>), Tensor ((*)::i->i->i), Terminal (I ((*)::i->i->i)), Precartesian h) => Cartesian (h ::i->i-> *) | i -> h
instance (h ~ (~>), Tensor ((*)::i->i->i), Terminal (I ((*)::i->i->i)), Precartesian h) => Cartesian (h ::i->i-> *)

type instance Copower = (,)
instance Precartesian (->) where
  fst   = Prelude.fst
  snd   = Prelude.snd
  (&&&) = (Arrow.&&&)

type instance Copower = (&)
instance Precartesian (:-) where
  fst = Sub Dict
  snd = Sub Dict
  p &&& q = Sub $ Dict \\ p \\ q

type instance Copower = Lift (,)
instance Precartesian (Nat :: (i -> *) -> (i -> *) -> *) where
  fst = Nat $ fst . get _Lift
  snd = Nat $ snd . get _Lift
  Nat f &&& Nat g = Nat $ Lift . (f &&& g)

type instance Copower = Lift2 (*)
instance Precartesian (Nat :: (i -> j -> *) -> (i -> j -> *) -> *) where
  fst = Nat $ fst . get _Lift
  snd = Nat $ snd . get _Lift
  Nat f &&& Nat g = Nat $ beget _Lift . (f &&& g)

type instance Copower = LiftC (&)
instance Precartesian (Nat :: (i -> Constraint) -> (i -> Constraint) -> *) where
  fst = Nat $ fst . get _Lift
  snd = Nat $ snd . get _Lift
  Nat f &&& Nat g = Nat $ beget _Lift . (f &&& g)

type instance Copower = LiftC2 (*)
instance Precartesian (Nat :: (i -> j -> Constraint) -> (i -> j -> Constraint) -> *) where
  fst = Nat $ fst . get _Lift
  snd = Nat $ snd . get _Lift
  Nat f &&& Nat g = Nat $ beget _Lift . (f &&& g)

infixl 6 +
class (h ~ (~>), Symmetric ((+)::i->i->i), Semitensor ((+)::i->i->i)) => Precocartesian (h :: i -> i -> *) | i -> h where
  type (+) :: i -> i -> i
  inl    :: forall (a :: i) (b :: i). a ~> a + b
  inr    :: forall (a :: i) (b :: i). b ~> a + b
  (|||)  :: forall (a :: i) (b :: i) (c :: i). (a ~> c) -> (b ~> c) -> a + b ~> c

class    (h ~ (~>), Tensor ((+)::i->i->i), Initial (I ((+)::i->i->i)), Precocartesian h) => Cocartesian (h ::i->i-> *) | i -> h
instance (h ~ (~>), Tensor ((+)::i->i->i), Initial (I ((+)::i->i->i)), Precocartesian h) => Cocartesian (h ::i->i-> *)

instance Precocartesian (->) where
  type (+) = Either
  inl = Left
  inr = Right
  (|||) = either

instance Precocartesian (Nat :: (i -> *) -> (i -> *) -> *) where
  type (+) = Lift1 (+)
  inl = Nat (beget _Lift . inl)
  inr = Nat (beget _Lift . inr)
  Nat f ||| Nat g = Nat $ (f ||| g) . get _Lift

instance Precocartesian (Nat :: (i -> j -> *) -> (i -> j -> *) -> *) where
  type (+) = Lift2 (+)
  inl = Nat (beget _Lift . inl)
  inr = Nat (beget _Lift . inr)
  Nat f ||| Nat g = Nat $ (f ||| g) . get _Lift

class (((a |- r) & (b |- r)) |- r) => CoproductCHelper a b r
instance (((a |- r) & (b |- r)) |- r) => CoproductCHelper a b r
instance Class (((a |- r) & (b |- r)) |- r) (CoproductCHelper a b r) where cls = Sub Dict
instance (((a |- r) & (b |- r)) |- r) :=> CoproductCHelper a b r where ins = Sub Dict

class LimC (CoproductCHelper a b) => CoproductC a b
instance LimC (CoproductCHelper a b) => CoproductC a b
instance Class (LimC (CoproductCHelper a b)) (CoproductC a b) where cls = Sub Dict
instance LimC (CoproductCHelper a b) :=> CoproductC a b where ins = Sub Dict

instance Functor CoproductC where
  fmap f = Nat $ (inl . f) ||| inr
instance Functor (CoproductC a) where
  fmap f = inl ||| (inr . f)
instance Symmetric CoproductC where
  swap = inr ||| inl
instance Semitensor CoproductC where
  second = fmap
  associate = dimap ((inl ||| (inr . inl)) ||| (inr . inr)) ((inl . inl) ||| ((inl . inr) ||| inr))

instance Precocartesian (:-) where
  type (+) = CoproductC
  inl = inlC
      inlC :: forall a b. a :- CoproductC a b
      inlC = Sub $ Dict \\ ((ins . l) :: a :- CoproductCHelper a b Any)
      l :: forall a b r. a :- (((a |- r) & (b |- r)) |- r)
      l = Sub $ get _Implies $ Sub $ Dict \\ (implies :: a :- r)
  inr = inrC
      inrC :: forall a b. b :- CoproductC a b
      inrC = Sub $ Dict \\ ((ins . r) :: b :- CoproductCHelper a b Any)
      r :: forall a b r. b :- (((a |- r) & (b |- r)) |- r)
      r = Sub $ get _Implies $ Sub $ Dict \\ (implies :: b :- r)
  (|||) = eitherC
      eitherC :: forall a b c. (a :- c) -> (b :- c) -> (CoproductC a b :- c)
      eitherC = undefined -- TODO
      -- case limDict :: Dict (CoproductCHelper a b c) of Dict -> undefined

-- * Factoring

factor :: (Post Functor (f :: j -> i -> i), Precocartesian (Cod2 f)) => f e b + f e c ~> f e (b + c)
factor = fmap1 inl ||| fmap1 inr

-- TODO: play fancy combinator games to figure out how to make

-- distributive always a getter capable of factoring, while make it only require an instance
-- to get the inverses.
class (Cartesian k, Cocartesian k) => Distributive (k :: i -> i -> *) | i -> k where
  distribute :: forall (a :: i) (b :: i) (c :: i) (a' :: i) (b' :: i) (c' :: i).
             Iso ((a * b) + (a * c)) ((a' * b') + (a' * c'))
                 (a * (b + c))       (a' * (b' + c'))

instance Distributive (->) where
  distribute = dimap factor $ \case
    (a, Left b) -> Left (a, b)
    (a, Right c) -> Right (a, c)

instance Distributive (Nat :: (i -> *) -> (i -> *) -> *) where
  distribute = dimap factor $ Nat $ \case
    Lift (a, Lift (Left b)) -> Lift (Left (Lift (a, b)))
    Lift (a, Lift (Right b)) -> Lift (Right (Lift (a, b)))

instance Distributive (Nat :: (i -> j -> *) -> (i -> j -> *) -> *) where
  distribute = dimap factor $ Nat $ Nat $ \case
     Lift2 (Lift (a, Lift2 (Lift (Left b)))) -> Lift2 (Lift (Left (Lift2 (Lift (a, b)))))
     Lift2 (Lift (a, Lift2 (Lift (Right b)))) -> Lift2 (Lift (Right (Lift2 (Lift (a, b)))))

-- gives us a notion of a closed category when applied to the exponential
-- this is just another convenient indexed adjunction with the args flipped around
-- type family Curryable (p :: k -> i -> j) (a :: k) :: Constraint
-- type instance Curryable (a :: *) = (() :: Constraint)
-- type instance Curryable (a :: Constraint) = (() :: Constraint)
-- type instance Curryable (a :: i -> *) = Functor a

-- p has some notion of association we'd need poly kinds to talk about properly
class Curried (p :: k -> i -> j) (e :: i -> j -> k) | p -> e, e -> p where
  type Curryable (p :: k -> i -> j) :: k -> Constraint
  type Curryable p = Const (() :: Constraint)

  {-# MINIMAL (curry, uncurry) | (apply, unapply) #-}

  curry :: Curryable p a => (p a b ~> c) -> a ~> e b c
  default curry :: (Post Functor e, Category (Cod2 e), Category (Cod2 p), Curryable p a) => (p a b ~> c) -> a ~> e b c
  curry q = fmap1 q . unapply

  uncurry :: (a ~> e b c) -> p a b ~> c
  default uncurry :: (Functor p, Category (Cod2 e), Category (Cod2 p)) => (a ~> e b c) -> p a b ~> c
  uncurry p = apply . first p

  apply :: p (e a b) a ~> b
  default apply :: Category (Cod2 e) => p (e a b) a ~> b
  apply = uncurry id

  unapply :: Curryable p a => a ~> e b (p a b)
  default unapply :: (Category (Cod2 p), Curryable p a) => a ~> e b (p a b)
  unapply = curry id

curried :: (Curried p e, Curryable p a) => Iso (p a b ~> c) (p a' b' ~> c') (a ~> e b c) (a' ~> e b' c')
curried = dimap curry uncurry

ccc :: (Category (Cod2 p), Symmetric p, Curried p e, Curryable p a) => Iso (p i a ~> b) (p i' a' ~> b') (a ~> e i b) (a' ~> e i' b')
ccc = dimap (. swap) (. swap) . curried

curry1 :: forall a b c p q x. (Curried p q, Post (Curryable p) a) => (p (a x) (b x) ~> c x) -> a x ~> q (b x) (c x)
curry1 = case limDict :: Dict (Compose (Curryable p) a x) of Dict -> curry

instance Curried p q => Curried (Lift1 p) (Lift1 q) where
  type Curryable (Lift1 p) = Post (Curryable p)
  curry f = Nat $ beget _Lift . curry1 (runNat f . beget _Lift)
  uncurry g = Nat $ uncurry (get _Lift . runNat g) . get _Lift

instance Curried p q => Curried (Lift2 p) (Lift2 q) where
  type Curryable (Lift2 p) = Post (Curryable p)
  curry f = Nat $ beget _Lift . curry1 (runNat f . beget _Lift)
  uncurry g = Nat $ uncurry (get _Lift . runNat g) . get _Lift

instance Curried p q => Curried (LiftC p) (LiftC q) where
  type Curryable (LiftC p) = Post (Curryable p)
  curry f = Nat $ beget _Lift . curry1 (runNat f . beget _Lift)
  uncurry g = Nat $ uncurry (get _Lift . runNat g) . get _Lift

instance Curried p q => Curried (LiftC2 p) (LiftC2 q) where
  type Curryable (LiftC2 p) = Post (Curryable p)
  curry f = Nat $ beget _Lift . curry1 (runNat f . beget _Lift)
  uncurry g = Nat $ uncurry (get _Lift . runNat g) . get _Lift

-- e.g. (Lan f g ~> h) is isomorphic to (g ~> h ยท f)

-- Cocurried :: (k -> k1 -> k2) -> (k2 -> k -> k1) -> Constraint

class Cocurried (f :: i -> j -> k) (u :: k -> i -> j) | f -> u , u -> f where
  type Cocurryable (u :: k -> i -> j) :: k -> Constraint
  type Cocurryable p = Const (() :: Constraint)

  cocurry   :: (f a b ~> c) -> b ~> u c a
  uncocurry :: Cocurryable u c => (b ~> u c a) -> f a b ~> c

cocurried :: (Cocurried f u, Cocurryable u c') => Iso (f a b ~> c) (f a' b' ~> c') (b ~> u c a) (b' ~> u c' a')
cocurried = dimap cocurry uncocurry

-- * CCCs

  ( Cartesian k
  , Closed k
  , Curried (*) (Internal k)
  , I (Internal k) ~ I (*)
  , Curryable (*) (I (Internal k))
  ) => CCC (k :: x -> x -> *) | x -> k

  ( Cartesian k
  , Closed k
  , Curried (*) (Internal k)
  , I (Internal k) ~ I (*)
  , Curryable (*) (I (Internal k))
  ) => CCC (k :: x -> x -> *)

-- TODO: instance (...) => CCC k

instance Curried (,) (->) where
  curry = Prelude.curry
  uncurry = Prelude.uncurry

-- instance CCC (->)

instance (,) e -| (->) e where
  adj = ccc

-- instance CCC (Nat :: (i -> *) -> (i -> *) -> *)

-- semimonoidal functors preserve the structure of our pretensor and take semimonoid objects to semimonoid objects
class (Precartesian ((~>) :: x -> x -> *), Precartesian ((~>) :: y -> y -> *), Functor f) => Semimonoidal (f :: x -> y) where
  ap2 :: f a * f b ~> f (a * b)

-- monoidal functors preserve the structure of our tensor and take monoid objects to monoid objects
-- These are technically 'cartesian' functors, we we only define them over cartesian categories
class (Cartesian ((~>) :: x -> x -> *), Cartesian ((~>) :: y -> y -> *), Semimonoidal f) => Monoidal (f :: x -> y) where
  ap0 :: One ~> f One

instance Semimonoidal Dict where
  ap2 (Dict, Dict) = Dict

instance Monoidal Dict where
  ap0 () = Dict

instance Semigroup (Dict m) where
  mult (Dict, Dict) = Dict

instance Monoid m => Monoid (Dict m) where
  one = oneM

-- lift applicatives for Hask
-- instance Base.Applicative f => Monoidal f where
--   ap0 = Base.pure
--   ap2 = uncurry $ Base.liftA2 (,)

ap2Applicative :: Base.Applicative f => f a * f b -> f (a * b)
ap2Applicative = uncurry $ Base.liftA2 (,)

instance Semimonoidal ((:-) f) where
  ap2 = uncurry (&&&)

instance Monoidal ((:-) f) where
  ap0 () = terminal

instance Semigroup (f :- m) where -- every m is a semimonoid
  mult = multM

instance Monoid m => Monoid (f :- m) where
  one = oneM

instance Semimonoidal (Lift1 (->) f) where
  ap2 = get zipR1

instance Monoidal (Lift1 (->) f) where
  ap0 = curry fst

instance Semigroup m => Semigroup (Lift1 (->) f m) where
  mult = multM

instance Monoid m => Monoid (Lift1 (->) f m) where
  one = oneM

-- instance Monoidal (LiftC (|-) f) where
--  ap0 = curry fst
--  ap2 = get zipR

instance Semimonoidal ((|-) f) where
  ap2 = get zipR

instance Monoidal ((|-) f) where
  ap0 = curry fst

-- instance Semigroup m => Semigroup (f |- m) where mult = multM -- all constraints are semimonoids!

instance Monoid m => Monoid (f |- m) where
  one = oneM

instance Semimonoidal (Nat f :: (i -> *) -> *) where
  ap2 = uncurry (&&&)

instance Monoidal (Nat f :: (i -> *) -> *) where
  ap0 () = terminal

instance Semimonoidal (Nat f :: (i -> Constraint) -> *) where
  ap2 = uncurry (&&&)

instance Monoidal (Nat f :: (i -> Constraint) -> *) where
  ap0 () = terminal

instance (Semimonoidal (Nat f), Semigroup m) => Semigroup (Nat f m) where
  mult = multM

instance (Monoidal (Nat f), Monoid m) => Monoid (Nat f m) where
  one = oneM

-- inherited from base
instance Semimonoidal (Tagged s) where
  ap2 = Tagged . bimap unTagged unTagged

instance Monoidal (Tagged s) where
  ap0  = Tagged

instance Semigroup m => Semigroup (Tagged s m) where
  mult = Tagged . mult . bimap unTagged unTagged

instance Monoid m => Monoid (Tagged s m) where
  one = Tagged . one

instance Precartesian ((~>) :: i -> i -> *) => Semimonoidal (Proxy :: i -> *) where
  ap2 (Proxy, Proxy) = Proxy

instance Cartesian ((~>) :: i -> i -> *) => Monoidal (Proxy :: i -> *) where
  ap0 () = Proxy

-- instance Monoid (Proxy a) -- from base

-- * Monads over our kind-indexed categories

class Semimonoidal (m :: x -> x) => Semimonad (m :: x -> x) where
  {-# MINIMAL join | bind #-}
  join :: m (m a) ~> m a
  join = bind id

  bind :: Semimonad m => (a ~> m b) ~> m a ~> m b
  bind f = join . fmap f

-- todo: prove join must respect this?
class (Monoidal m, Semimonad m) => Monad m
instance (Monoidal m, Semimonad m) => Monad m

-- instance (Semimonoidal m, Base.Monad m) => Semimonad m where
-- instance (Monoidal m, Base.Monad m) => Monad m where
--   join = Monad.join

-- * Comonoidal functors between cocartesian categories

class (Precocartesian ((~>) :: x -> x -> *), Precocartesian ((~>) :: y -> y -> *), Functor f) => Cosemimonoidal (f :: x -> y) where
  op2 :: f (a + b) ~> f a + f b

class (Cocartesian ((~>) :: x -> x -> *), Cocartesian ((~>) :: y -> y -> *), Cosemimonoidal f) => Comonoidal (f :: x -> y) where
  op0 :: f Zero ~> Zero

instance Cosemimonoidal ((,) e) where
  op2 (e,ab) = bimap ((,) e) ((,) e) ab

instance Comonoidal ((,) e) where
  op0 = snd

instance Cosemigroup m => Cosemigroup (e, m) where
  comult = comultOp

instance Comonoid m => Comonoid (e, m) where
  zero = zeroOp

instance Cosemimonoidal Id0 where
  op2 = bimap Id Id . runId

instance Comonoidal Id0 where
  op0 = runId

instance Cosemigroup m => Cosemigroup (Id0 m) where
  comult = comultOp

instance Comonoid m => Comonoid (Id0 m) where
  zero = zeroOp

-- lift all of these through Lift? its a limit

-- instance Cosemimonoidal p => Cosemimonoidal (Lift1 p e) where
instance Cosemimonoidal (Lift1 (,) e) where
  op2 = Nat $ Lift . bimap Lift Lift . op2 . fmap lower . lower

instance Comonoidal (Lift1 (,) e) where
  op0 = snd

instance Cosemigroup m => Cosemigroup (Lift1 (,) e m) where
  comult = comultOp

instance Comonoid m => Comonoid (Lift1 (,) e m) where
  zero = zeroOp

instance Cosemimonoidal (Tagged s) where
  op2 = bimap Tagged Tagged . unTagged

instance Comonoidal (Tagged s) where
  op0 = unTagged

instance Cosemigroup m => Cosemigroup (Tagged s m) where
  comult = comultOp

instance Comonoid m => Comonoid (Tagged s m) where
  zero = zeroOp

-- * Identity functors

class (f -| f, Id ~ f) => Identity (f :: i -> i) | i -> f where
  type Id :: i -> i
  _Id :: Iso (f a) (f a') a a'

newtype Id0 a = Id { runId :: a }

instance Identity Id0 where
  type Id = Id0
  _Id = dimap runId Id

instance Functor Id0 where
  fmap = _Id

instance Id0 -| Id0 where
  adj = un (mapping _Id . lmapping _Id)

-- * Id1 = Identity for Nat (i -> *)
newtype Id1 (f :: i -> *) (a :: i) = Id1 { runId1 :: f a }
_Id1 = dimap runId1 Id1

instance Identity Id1 where
  type Id = Id1
  _Id = dimap (Nat runId1) (Nat Id1)

instance Functor f => Functor (Id1 f) where
  fmap = _Id1 . fmap

instance Cosemimonad Id1 where
  duplicate = Nat Id1

instance Comonad Id1 where
  extract = Nat runId1

instance Semimonoidal Id1 where
  ap2 = Nat $ \(Lift (Id1 x, Id1 y)) -> Id1 (Lift (x, y))

instance Monoidal Id1 where
  ap0 = Nat Id1

instance Semigroup m => Semigroup (Id1 m) where
  mult = multM

instance Monoid m => Monoid (Id1 m) where
  one = oneM

instance Semimonad Id1 where
  join = Nat runId1

instance Monad Id1

instance Cosemimonoidal Id1 where
  op2 = Nat $ \(Id1 (Lift ea)) -> Lift (bimap Id1 Id1 ea)

instance Comonoidal Id1 where
  op0 = Nat runId1

instance Cosemigroup m => Cosemigroup (Id1 m) where
  comult = comultOp

instance Comonoid m => Comonoid (Id1 m) where
  zero = zeroOp

instance Id1 -| Id1 where
  adj = un (mapping _Id . lmapping _Id)

instance Contravariant f => Contravariant (Id1 f) where
  contramap = _Id1 . contramap

instance Functor Id1 where
  fmap = _Id

instance Semimonoidal f => Semimonoidal (Id1 f) where
  ap2 = Id1 . ap2 . bimap runId1 runId1

instance Monoidal f => Monoidal (Id1 f) where
  ap0 = Id1 . ap0

instance Cosemimonoidal f => Cosemimonoidal (Id1 f) where
  op2 = bimap Id1 Id1 . op2 . runId1

instance Comonoidal f => Comonoidal (Id1 f) where
  op0 = op0 . runId1

instance (Cosemimonoidal f, Cosemigroup m) => Cosemigroup (Id1 f m) where
  comult = comultOp

instance (Comonoidal f, Comonoid m) => Comonoid (Id1 f m) where
  zero = zeroOp

class c => IdC c
instance c => IdC c

instance Identity IdC where
  type Id = IdC
  _Id = dimap (Sub Dict) (Sub Dict)

instance Functor IdC where
  fmap = _Id

instance IdC -| IdC where
  adj = un (mapping _Id . lmapping _Id)

class Precartesian (Arr m) => Semigroup m where
  mult :: m * m ~> m

-- a monoid object in a cartesian category
class (Semigroup m, Cartesian (Arr m)) => Monoid m where
  one  :: One ~> m

-- monoidal functors take monoids to monoids

oneM :: (Monoidal u, Monoid m) => One ~> u m
oneM = fmap one . ap0

multM :: (Semimonoidal u, Semigroup m) => u m * u m ~> u m
multM = fmap mult . ap2

-- instance Semigroup.Semigroup m => Semigroup m where
--   mult = uncurry Monoid.mappend

-- instance (Semigroup.Semigroup m, Base.Monoid m) => Monoid m where
--   one () = Monoid.mempty

instance Semigroup (Const1 ()) where
  mult = get lambda

instance Monoid (Const1 ()) where
  one = id

instance Semigroup (p :: Constraint) where
  mult = Sub Dict

instance Monoid (() :: Constraint) where
  one = id

mappend :: (Semigroup m, CCC (Arr m), Curryable (*) m) => m ~> m^m
mappend = curry mult

class Precocartesian (Arr m) => Cosemigroup m where
  comult :: m ~> m + m

class (Cosemigroup m, Cocartesian (Arr m)) => Comonoid m where
  zero   :: m ~> Zero

-- opmonoidal functors take comonoids to comonoids

zeroOp :: (Comonoidal f, Comonoid m) => f m ~> Zero
zeroOp = op0 . fmap zero

comultOp :: (Cosemimonoidal f, Cosemigroup m) => f m ~> f m + f m
comultOp = op2 . fmap comult

instance Cosemigroup Void where
  comult = initial

instance Comonoid Void where
  zero = id

instance Semigroup Void where
  mult = fst

instance Cosemigroup (Const1 Void) where
  comult = Nat $ absurd . getConst

instance Comonoid (Const1 Void) where
  zero = id

instance Semigroup (Const1 Void) where
  mult = fst

-- instance Comonoid (Const2 (Const1 Void)) where

class Functor f => Strength f where
  strength :: a * f b ~> f (a * b) -- this should be able to be an arbitrary copower instead

-- instance (Functor f, Base.Functor f) => Strength f where
instance Functor f => Strength (f :: * -> *) where
  strength (a,fb) = fmap ((,) a) fb

-- proposition: all right adjoints on Cartesian categories should be strong
-- strengthR   :: (f -| u, Cartesian (Dom u)) => a * u b ~> u (a * b)
-- costrengthL :: (f -| u, Cartesian (Dom f)) => f (a + b) ~> a + f b

-- what is usually called 'costrength' is more like a 'left strength' or a 'right strength'
-- repurposing this term for a real 'co'-strength
class Functor f => Costrength (f :: x -> x) where
  costrength :: f (a + b) ~> a + f b

instance (Functor f, Base.Traversable f) => Costrength f where
  costrength = Base.sequence

ap :: (Semimonoidal f, CCC (Dom f), CCC (Cod f), Curryable (*) (f (b ^ a))) => f (b ^ a) ~> f b ^ f a
ap = curry (fmap apply . ap2)

return :: (Monoidal f, Strength f, CCC (Dom f), Tensorable (*) a) => a ~> f a
return = fmap (get lambda . swap) . strength . fmap1 ap0 . beget rho

class (Functor f, Category (Dom f)) => Cosemimonad f where
  {-# MINIMAL (duplicate | extend) #-}
  duplicate :: f a ~> f (f a)
  default duplicate :: Category (Dom f) => f a ~> f (f a)
  duplicate = extend id

  extend :: (f a ~> b) -> f a ~> f b
  extend f = fmap f . duplicate

class Cosemimonad f => Comonad f where
  extract :: f a ~> a

-- * Traditional product categories w/ adjoined identities
data Prod :: (i,j) -> (i,j) -> * where
  Want :: Prod a a
  Have :: (a ~> b) -> (c ~> d) -> Prod '(a,c) '(b,d)

instance (Category ((~>) :: i -> i -> *), Category ((~>) :: j -> j -> *)) => Category (Prod :: (i,j) -> (i,j) -> *) where
  id = Want
  Want . f = f
  f . Want = f
  Have f f' . Have g g' = Have (f . g) (f' . g')

instance (Functor ((~>) a :: i -> *), Functor ((~>) b :: j -> *), ab ~ '(a,b)) => Functor (Prod ab :: (i, j) -> *) where
  fmap Want f = f
  fmap f Want = f
  fmap (Have f g) (Have f' g') = Have (fmap f f') (fmap g g')

instance (Contravariant ((~>) :: i -> i -> *), Contravariant ((~>) :: j -> j -> *)) => Contravariant (Prod :: (i, j) -> (i, j) -> *) where
  contramap Want = id
  contramap (Have f g) = Nat $ \case
    Want       -> Have f g
    Have f' g' -> Have (lmap f f') (lmap g g')

runProd :: forall (a :: i) (b :: i) (c :: j) (d :: j).
           (Category ((~>) :: i -> i -> *), Category ((~>) :: j -> j -> *))
        => Prod '(a,c) '(b,d) -> (a ~> b, c ~> d)
runProd Want       = (id,id)
runProd (Have f g) = (f,g)

  :: forall (a :: i) (b :: i) (c :: j) (d :: j).
     Category ((~>) :: i -> i -> *)
  => Prod '(a,c) '(b,d) -> a ~> b
runFst Want       = id
runFst (Have f _) = f

  :: forall (a :: i) (b :: i) (c :: j) (d :: j).
     Category ((~>) :: j -> j -> *)
  => Prod '(a,c) '(b,d) -> c ~> d
runSnd Want       = id
runSnd (Have _ g) = g

-- ฮ” -| (*)
diagProdAdj :: forall (a :: i) (b :: i) (c :: i) (a' :: i) (b' :: i) (c' :: i).
   Cartesian ((~>) :: i -> i -> *) =>
   Iso ('(a,a) ~> '(b,c)) ('(a',a') ~> '(b',c')) (a ~> b * c) (a' ~> b' * c')
diagProdAdj = dimap (uncurry (&&&) . runProd) $ \f -> Have (fst . f) (snd . f)

-- (+) -| ฮ”
sumDiagAdj :: forall (a :: i) (b :: i) (c :: i) (a' :: i) (b' :: i) (c' :: i).
   Cocartesian ((~>) :: i -> i -> *) =>
   Iso (b + c ~> a) (b' + c' ~> a') ('(b,c) ~> '(a,a)) ('(b',c') ~> '(a',a'))
sumDiagAdj = dimap (\f -> Have (f . inl) (f . inr)) (uncurry (|||) . runProd)

-- * Work in progress

infixr 9 |-
-- exponentials for constraints
class p |- q where
  implies :: p :- q

-- convert to and from the internal representation of dictionaries

_Sub :: Iso (p :- q) (p' :- q') (Dict p -> Dict q) (Dict p' -> Dict q')
_Sub = dimap (\pq Dict -> case pq of Sub q -> q) (\f -> Sub $ f Dict)

newtype Magic p q r = Magic ((p |- q) => r)

_Implies :: Iso (p :- q) (p' :- q') (Dict (p |- q)) (Dict (p' |- q'))
_Implies = dimap (reify Dict) (\Dict -> implies) where
  reify :: forall p q r. ((p |- q) => r) -> (p :- q) -> r
  reify k = unsafeCoerce (Magic k :: Magic p q r)

instance Contravariant (|-) where
  contramap f = Nat $ beget _Sub $ un _Implies (. f)

instance Functor ((|-) p) where
  fmap f = beget _Sub $ un _Implies (f .)

--instance (&) =| (|-) where
--  adj1 = ccc

instance (&) p -| (|-) p where
  adj = ccc

instance Curried (&) (|-) where
  apply = applyConstraint where
    applyConstraint :: forall p q. (p |- q & p) :- q
    applyConstraint = Sub $ Dict \\ (implies :: p :- q)
  unapply = unapplyConstraint where
    unapplyConstraint :: p :- q |- (p & q)
    unapplyConstraint = Sub $ get _Implies (Sub Dict)

-- instance CCC (:-)

-- * The terminal category with one object

data Unit (a :: ()) (b :: ()) = Unit

instance Category Unit where
  id = Unit
  Unit . Unit = Unit

instance Contravariant Unit where
  contramap f = Nat (. f)

instance Functor (Unit a) where
  fmap = (.)

instance Terminal '() where
  type One = '()
  terminal = Unit

instance Initial '() where
  type Zero = '()
  initial = Unit

-- Unit also forms a bifunctor, so you can map forwards/backwards, etc.

instance Functor Unit where
  fmap = contramap . swap -- inverse

instance Contravariant (Unit a) where
  contramap = fmap . swap -- inverse

instance Symmetric Unit where
  swap Unit = Unit

-- * The initial "empty" category

newtype Empty (a :: Void) (b :: Void) = Empty (Empty a b)

instance Category Empty where
  id = Empty id
  (.) (!f0) = spin f0 where
    spin (Empty f) = spin f

instance Symmetric Empty where
  swap (Empty f) = Empty (swap f)

instance Contravariant Empty where
  contramap f = Nat (. f)

instance Functor Empty where
  fmap = contramap . swap

instance Functor (Empty a) where
  fmap = (.)

instance Contravariant (Empty a) where
  contramap = fmap . swap

-- No :: Void -> *
data No (a :: Void)

instance Functor No where
  fmap !_ = Prelude.undefined

-- * More about composition

composed = dimap decompose compose

associateCompose = dimap (Nat (compose . fmap compose . decompose . decompose))
                         (Nat (compose . compose . fmap decompose . decompose))

whiskerComposeL k = Nat $ composed $ runNat k
whiskerComposeR k = Nat $ composed $ fmap (runNat k)
lambdaCompose = dimap (Nat (get _Id . decompose)) (Nat (compose . beget _Id))
rhoCompose = dimap (Nat (fmap (get _Id) . decompose)) (Nat (compose . fmap (beget _Id)))

-- if we can use it this coend based definition works for more things, notably it plays well with Ran/Lan
newtype Compose1 f g a = Compose { getCompose :: f (g a) }

instance Composed (->) where
  type Compose = Compose1
  compose = Compose
  decompose = getCompose

instance Semitensor Compose1 where
  type Tensorable Compose1 = Functor
  second f = Nat $ composed $ fmap (runNat f)
  associate = dimap (Nat (compose . fmap compose . decompose . decompose))
                    (Nat (compose . compose . fmap decompose . decompose))

type instance I Compose1 = Id
instance Tensor Compose1 where
  lambda = dimap (Nat (get _Id . decompose)) (Nat (compose . beget _Id))
  rho = dimap (Nat (fmap (get _Id) . decompose)) (Nat (compose . fmap (beget _Id)))

newtype Compose2 f g a b = Compose2 { getCompose2 :: f (g a) b }

instance Semitensor Compose2 where
  type Tensorable Compose2 = Functor
  second f = Nat $ composed $ fmap (runNat f)
  associate = dimap (Nat (compose . fmap compose . decompose . decompose))
                    (Nat (compose . compose . fmap decompose . decompose))

type instance I Compose2 = Id
instance Tensor Compose2 where
  lambda = dimap (Nat (get _Id . decompose)) (Nat (compose . beget _Id))
  rho = dimap (Nat (fmap (get _Id) . decompose)) (Nat (compose . fmap (beget _Id)))

instance Semitensor ComposeC where
  type Tensorable ComposeC = Functor
  second f = Nat $ composed $ fmap (runNat f)
  associate = dimap (Nat (compose . fmap compose . decompose . decompose))
                    (Nat (compose . compose . fmap decompose . decompose))

type instance I ComposeC = Id
instance Tensor ComposeC where
  lambda = dimap (Nat (get _Id . decompose)) (Nat (compose . beget _Id))
  rho = dimap (Nat (fmap (get _Id) . decompose)) (Nat (compose . fmap (beget _Id)))

instance Composed (Nat :: (k -> *) -> (k -> *) -> *) where
  type Compose = Compose2
  compose   = Nat Compose2
  decompose = Nat getCompose2

instance Functor Compose1 where
  fmap f = nat2 $ composed $ runNat f

instance Functor Compose2 where
  fmap f = nat2 $ composed $ runNat f

instance Functor ComposeC where
  fmap f = nat2 $ composed $ runNat f

instance Functor f => Functor (Compose1 f) where
  fmap f = Nat $ composed $ fmap $ runNat f

instance Functor f => Functor (Compose2 f) where
  fmap f = Nat $ composed $ fmap $ runNat f

instance Functor f => Functor (ComposeC f) where
  fmap f = Nat $ composed $ fmap $ runNat f

instance Contravariant f => Contravariant (Compose1 f) where
  contramap f = Nat $ composed $ contramap $ runNat f

instance Contravariant f => Contravariant (Compose2 f) where
  contramap f = Nat $ composed $ contramap $ runNat f

instance Contravariant f => Contravariant (ComposeC f) where
  contramap f = Nat $ composed $ contramap $ runNat f

instance (Functor f, Functor g) => Functor (Compose1 f g) where
  fmap = composed . fmap . fmap

instance (Functor f, Functor g) => Functor (Compose2 f g) where
  fmap = composed . fmap . fmap

instance (Functor f, Functor g) => Functor (ComposeC f g) where
  fmap = composed . fmap . fmap

instance (Semimonoidal f, Semimonoidal g) => Semimonoidal (Compose1 f g) where
  ap2 = compose . fmap ap2 . ap2 . bimap decompose decompose

instance (Semimonoidal f, Semimonoidal g) => Semimonoidal (Compose2 f g) where
  ap2 = compose . fmap ap2 . ap2 . bimap decompose decompose

instance (Semimonoidal f, Semimonoidal g) => Semimonoidal (ComposeC f g) where
  ap2 = compose . fmap ap2 . ap2 . bimap decompose decompose

instance (Monoidal f, Monoidal g) => Monoidal (Compose1 f g) where
  ap0 = compose . fmap ap0 . ap0

instance (Monoidal f, Monoidal g) => Monoidal (Compose2 f g) where
  ap0 = compose . fmap ap0 . ap0

instance (Monoidal f, Monoidal g) => Monoidal (ComposeC f g) where
  ap0 = compose . fmap ap0 . ap0

instance (Cosemimonoidal f, Cosemimonoidal g) => Cosemimonoidal (Compose1 f g) where
  op2 = bimap compose compose . op2 . fmap op2 . decompose

instance (Cosemimonoidal f, Cosemimonoidal g) => Cosemimonoidal (Compose2 f g) where
  op2 = bimap compose compose . op2 . fmap op2 . decompose

instance (Cosemimonoidal f, Cosemimonoidal g) => Cosemimonoidal (ComposeC f g) where
  op2 = bimap compose compose . op2 . fmap op2 . decompose

instance (Comonoidal f, Comonoidal g) => Comonoidal (Compose1 f g) where
  op0 = op0 . fmap op0 . decompose

instance (Comonoidal f, Comonoidal g) => Comonoidal (Compose2 f g) where
  op0 = op0 . fmap op0 . decompose

instance (Comonoidal f, Comonoidal g) => Comonoidal (ComposeC f g) where
  op0 = op0 . fmap op0 . decompose

instance (Semimonoidal f, Semimonoidal g, Semigroup m) => Semigroup (Compose1 f g m) where
  mult = compose . fmap (fmap mult . ap2) . ap2 . bimap decompose decompose

instance (Semimonoidal f, Semimonoidal g, Semigroup m) => Semigroup (Compose2 f g m) where
  mult = compose . fmap (fmap mult . ap2) . ap2 . bimap decompose decompose

instance (Monoidal f, Monoidal g, Monoid m) => Monoid (Compose1 f g m) where
  one = compose . fmap (fmap one . ap0) . ap0

instance (Monoidal f, Monoidal g, Monoid m) => Monoid (Compose2 f g m) where
  one = compose . fmap (fmap one . ap0) . ap0

instance (Monoidal f, Monoidal g, Monoid m) => Monoid (ComposeC f g m) where
  one = compose . fmap (fmap one . ap0) . ap0

instance (Cosemimonoidal f, Cosemimonoidal g, Cosemigroup m) => Cosemigroup (Compose1 f g m) where
  comult = bimap compose compose . op2 . fmap (op2 . fmap comult) . decompose

instance (Cosemimonoidal f, Cosemimonoidal g, Cosemigroup m) => Cosemigroup (Compose2 f g m) where
  comult = bimap compose compose . op2 . fmap (op2 . fmap comult) . decompose

instance (Cosemimonoidal f, Cosemimonoidal g, Cosemigroup m) => Cosemigroup (ComposeC f g m) where
  comult = bimap compose compose . op2 . fmap (op2 . fmap comult) . decompose

instance (Comonoidal f, Comonoidal g, Comonoid m) => Comonoid (Compose1 f g m) where
  zero = op0 . fmap (op0 . fmap zero) . decompose

instance (Comonoidal f, Comonoidal g, Comonoid m) => Comonoid (Compose2 f g m) where
  zero = op0 . fmap (op0 . fmap zero) . decompose

instance (Comonoidal f, Comonoidal g, Comonoid m) => Comonoid (ComposeC f g m) where
  zero = op0 . fmap (op0 . fmap zero) . decompose

-- composition of adjunctions

instance (f -| g, f' -| g', Category (Dom f), Category (Cod f)) => Compose1 f' f -| Compose1 g g' where
  adj = dimap (fmap1 compose . get adj . get adj . lmap compose)
              (lmap decompose . beget adj . beget adj . fmap1 decompose)

instance (f -| g, f' -| g', Category (Dom f), Category (Cod f)) => Compose1 f' f -| Compose2 g g' where
  adj = dimap (fmap1 compose . get adj . get adj . lmap compose)
              (lmap decompose . beget adj . beget adj . fmap1 decompose)

instance (f -| g, f' -| g', Category (Dom f), Category (Cod f)) => Compose1 f' f -| ComposeC g g' where
  adj = dimap (fmap1 compose . get adj . get adj . lmap compose)
              (lmap decompose . beget adj . beget adj . fmap1 decompose)

-- a semigroupoid/semicategory looks like a "self-enriched" profunctor
-- when we put no other constraints on p

class    (Profunctor p, p ~ (~>)) => Semicategory p
instance (Profunctor p, p ~ (~>)) => Semicategory p

-- * Work in progress

-- Nat :: (i -> *) -> (i -> *) -> * is tensored. (Copowered over Hask)
data Copower1 x f a = Copower x (f a)
type instance Copower = Copower1

instance Functor Copower1 where
  fmap f = nat2 $ \(Copower x fa) -> Copower (f x) fa

instance Functor (Copower1 x) where
  fmap f = Nat $ \(Copower x fa) -> Copower x (runNat f fa)

instance Functor f => Functor (Copower1 x f) where
  fmap f (Copower x fa) = Copower x (fmap f fa)

instance Contravariant f => Contravariant (Copower1 x f) where
  contramap f (Copower x fa) = Copower x (contramap f fa)

instance Curried Copower1 Nat where
  curry f a = Nat $ \e -> runNat f (Copower a e)
  uncurry f = Nat $ \(Copower a e) -> runNat (f a) e

data Copower2 x f a b = Copower2 x (f a b)
type instance Copower = Copower2

instance Functor Copower2 where
  fmap f = nat3 $ \(Copower2 x fab) -> Copower2 (f x) fab

instance Functor (Copower2 x) where
  fmap f = nat2 $ \(Copower2 x fab) -> Copower2 x (runNat2 f fab)

instance Functor f => Functor (Copower2 x f) where
  fmap f = Nat $ \(Copower2 x fab) -> Copower2 x (first f fab)

instance Post Functor f => Functor (Copower2 x f a) where
  fmap f (Copower2 x fab) = Copower2 x (fmap1 f fab)

instance Contravariant f => Contravariant (Copower2 x f) where
  contramap f = Nat $ \(Copower2 x fab) -> Copower2 x (lmap f fab)

instance Post Contravariant f => Contravariant (Copower2 x f a) where
  contramap f (Copower2 x fab) = Copower2 x (contramap1 f fab)

instance Curried Copower2 Nat where
  curry f a = nat2 $ \b -> runNat2 f (Copower2 a b)
  uncurry f = nat2 $ \(Copower2 a b) -> runNat2 (f a) b

-- Nat :: (i -> j -> *) -> (i -> j -> *) -> * is tensored. (Copowered over Nat :: (i -> *) -> (i -> *) -> *)
data Copower2_1 x f a b = Copower2_1 (x a) (f a b)
type instance Copower = Copower2_1

instance Functor Copower2_1 where
  fmap f = nat3 $ \(Copower2_1 xa fab) -> Copower2_1 (runNat f xa) fab

instance Functor (Copower2_1 x) where
  fmap f = nat2 $ \(Copower2_1 xa fab) -> Copower2_1 xa (runNat2 f fab)

instance (Functor x, Functor f) => Functor (Copower2_1 x f) where
  fmap f = Nat $ \(Copower2_1 xa fab) -> Copower2_1 (fmap f xa) (first f fab)

instance (Contravariant x, Contravariant f) => Contravariant (Copower2_1 x f) where
  contramap f = Nat $ \(Copower2_1 xa fab) -> Copower2_1 (contramap f xa) (lmap f fab)

instance Post Functor f => Functor (Copower2_1 x f a) where
  fmap f (Copower2_1 xa fab) = Copower2_1 xa (fmap1 f fab)

instance Post Contravariant f => Contravariant (Copower2_1 x f a) where
  contramap f (Copower2_1 xa fab) = Copower2_1 xa (contramap1 f fab)

instance Curried Copower2_1 (Lift1 Nat) where
  curry f = Nat $ \a -> Lift $ Nat $ \b -> runNat2 f $ Copower2_1 a b
  uncurry f = nat2 $ \(Copower2_1 a b) -> runNat (lower (runNat f a)) b

class (k ~ (~>)) => Cocomplete (k :: j -> j -> *) where
  type Colim :: (i -> j) -> j

  colim :: k (f a) (Colim f)

  -- The explicit witness here allows us to quantify over all kinds i.
  -- Colim -| Const
  cocomplete :: Dict ((Colim :: (i -> j) -> j) -| Const)
  default cocomplete :: ((Colim :: (i -> j) -> j) -| Const) => Dict ((Colim :: (i -> j) -> j) -| Const)
  cocomplete = Dict

-- * @(->)@ is cocomplete

data Colim1 (f :: i -> *) where
  Colim :: f x -> Colim1 f

instance Functor Colim1 where
  fmap (Nat f) (Colim g)= Colim (f g)

instance Cosemimonoidal Colim1 where
  op2 (Colim (Lift ab)) = bimap Colim Colim ab

instance Comonoidal Colim1 where
  op0 (Colim (Const a)) = a

instance Cosemigroup m => Cosemigroup (Colim1 m) where
  comult = comultOp

instance Comonoid m => Comonoid (Colim1 m) where
  zero = zeroOp

instance Colim1 -| Const1 where
  adj = dimap (\f -> Nat $ Const . f . Colim) $ \(Nat g2cb) (Colim g) -> getConst (g2cb g)

instance Cocomplete (->) where
  type Colim = Colim1
  colim = Colim

-- * The cocompletion of @(j -> *)@ borrows its structure from @*@

data Colim2 (f :: i -> j -> *) (x :: j) where
  Colim2 :: f y x -> Colim2 f x

instance Functor Colim2 where
  fmap f = Nat $ \(Colim2 g) -> Colim2 (runNat (runNat f) g)

instance Colim2 -| Const2 where
  adj = dimap (\(Nat f) -> nat2 $ Const2 . f . Colim2) $
               \ f -> Nat $ \ xs -> case xs of
                 Colim2 fyx -> getConst2 $ runNat2 f fyx

instance Cocomplete (Nat :: (i -> *) -> (i -> *) -> *) where
  type Colim = Colim2
  colim = Nat Colim2

-- * Kan extensions

class (c ~ Hom) => HasRan (c :: k -> k -> *) | k -> c where
  type Ran :: (i -> j) -> (i -> k) -> j -> k

  ranCurried :: Dict (Curried Compose (Ran :: (i -> j) -> (i -> k) -> j -> k))
  default ranCurried :: Curried Compose (Ran :: (i -> j) -> (i -> k) -> j -> k) => Dict (Curried Compose (Ran :: (i -> j) -> (i -> k) -> j -> k))
  ranCurried = Dict

  ranProfunctor :: Category (Hom :: j -> j -> *) => Dict (Profunctor (Ran :: (i -> j) -> (i -> k) -> j -> k))
  default ranProfunctor :: Profunctor (Ran :: (i -> j) -> (i -> k) -> j -> k) => Dict (Profunctor (Ran :: (i -> j) -> (i -> k) -> j -> k))
  ranProfunctor = Dict

  ranFunctor :: Dict (Functor (Ran f g :: j -> k))
  default ranFunctor :: Functor (Ran f g :: j -> k) => Dict (Functor (Ran f g :: j -> k))
  ranFunctor = Dict

  -- yoneda lemma in right Kan extension form
  iotaRan :: forall (f :: i -> k) (g :: i -> k) id. (Category (Cod f), Category (Dom f), Functor g, Identity id) => Iso (Ran id f) (Ran id g) f g

  -- | return for Codensity
  jotRan  :: forall (f :: i -> k). Id ~> Ran f f

data Ran1 f g a = forall z. Functor z => Ran (Compose z f ~> g) (z a)

instance Curried Compose1 Ran1 where
  type Curryable Compose1 = Functor
  curry l = Nat (Ran l)
  uncurry l = Nat $ \ (Compose ab) -> case runNat l ab of
    Ran czfg za -> runNat czfg (Compose za)

instance HasRan (->) where
  type Ran = Ran1
  iotaRan = dimap (apply . beget rhoCompose) (curry (get rhoCompose))
  jotRan = curry (get lambdaCompose)

instance Contravariant Ran1 where
  contramap f = nat2 $ \(Ran k z) -> Ran (k . Nat (compose . fmap (runNat f) . decompose)) z

instance Category (Hom :: j -> j -> *) => Functor (Ran1 f :: (i -> *) -> (j -> *)) where
  fmap f = Nat $ \(Ran k z) -> Ran (f . k) z

instance Functor (Ran1 f g) where
  fmap f (Ran k z) = Ran k (fmap f z)

class (c ~ Hom) => HasLan (c :: k -> k -> *) | k -> c where
  type Lan :: (i -> j) -> (i -> k) -> j -> k

  lanCocurried :: Dict (Cocurried (Lan :: (i -> j) -> (i -> k) -> j -> k) Compose)
  default lanCocurried :: Cocurried (Lan :: (i -> j) -> (i -> k) -> j -> k) Compose => Dict (Cocurried (Lan :: (i -> j) -> (i -> k) -> j -> k) Compose)
  lanCocurried = Dict

  lanProfunctor :: Category (Hom :: j -> j -> *) => Dict (Profunctor (Lan :: (i -> j) -> (i -> k) -> j -> k))
  default lanProfunctor :: Profunctor (Lan :: (i -> j) -> (i -> k) -> j -> k) => Dict (Profunctor (Lan :: (i -> j) -> (i -> k) -> j -> k))
  lanProfunctor = Dict

  lanFunctor :: Dict (Functor (Lan f g :: j -> k))
  default lanFunctor :: Functor (Lan f g :: j -> k) => Dict (Functor (Lan f g :: j -> k))
  lanFunctor = Dict

  -- yoneda again
  epsilonLan :: forall (f :: i -> k) (g :: i -> k) id. (Category (Cod f), Category (Dom f), Functor f, Identity id) => Iso (Lan id f) (Lan id g) f g

newtype Lan1 f g a = Lan { runLan :: forall z. Functor z => (g ~> Compose z f) ~> z a }

instance Cocurried Lan1 Compose1 where
  type Cocurryable Compose1 = Functor
  cocurry l = Nat $ \b -> Compose $ runNat l (Lan $ \f -> case runNat f b of Compose z -> z)
  uncocurry k = Nat $ \xs -> runLan xs k

instance HasLan (->) where
  type Lan = Lan1
  epsilonLan = dimap (Nat $ \l -> runLan l (beget rhoCompose))
                     (Nat $ \f -> Lan $ \k -> runNat (get rhoCompose . k) f)

instance Contravariant Lan1 where
  contramap f = nat2 $ \l -> Lan $ \k -> runLan l (Nat (compose . fmap (runNat f) . decompose) . k)

instance Category (Hom :: j -> j -> *) => Functor (Lan1 f :: (i -> *) -> (j -> *)) where
  fmap f = Nat $ \l -> Lan $ \k -> runLan l (k . f)

instance Functor (Lan1 f g) where
  fmap f l = Lan $ fmap f . runLan l

newtype Lan2 f g a b = Lan2 { runLan2 :: forall z. Functor z => (g ~> Compose z f) ~> z a b }

instance Cocurried Lan2 Compose2 where
  type Cocurryable Compose2 = Functor
  cocurry l = nat2 $ \b -> Compose2 $ runNat2 l (Lan2 $ \f -> case runNat2 f b of Compose2 z -> z)
  uncocurry k = nat2 $ \xs -> runLan2 xs k

instance HasLan (Nat :: (i -> *) -> (i -> *) -> *)  where
  type Lan = Lan2
  epsilonLan = dimap (nat2 $ \l -> runLan2 l (beget rhoCompose))
                     (nat2 $ \f -> Lan2 $ \k -> runNat2 (get rhoCompose . k) f)

instance Contravariant Lan2 where
  contramap f = nat3 $ \l -> Lan2 $ \k -> runLan2 l (Nat (compose . fmap (runNat f) . decompose) . k)

instance Category (Hom :: j -> j -> *) => Functor (Lan2 f :: (i -> k -> *) -> (j -> k -> *)) where
  fmap f = nat2 $ \l -> Lan2 $ \k -> runLan2 l (k . f)

instance Functor (Lan2 f g) where
  fmap f = Nat $ \l -> Lan2 $ first f . runLan2 l