Thu 23 Jun 2011
Free Monads for Less (Part 2 of 3): Yoneda
Posted by Edward Kmett under Algorithms , Category Theory , Data Structures , Haskell , Kan Extensions , Mathematics , Monads[3] Comments
Last time, I started exploring whether or not Codensity was necessary to improve the asymptotic performance of free monads.
This time I'll show that the answer is no; we can get by with something smaller.
The Yoneda Lemma
Another form of right Kan extension arises from the Yoneda lemma.
I covered it briefly in my initial article on Kan extensions, but the inestimable Dan Piponi wrote a much nicer article on how it implies in Haskell that given a Functor
instance on f, this type
newtype Yoneda f a = Yoneda (forall r. (a -> r) -> f r)
is isomorphic to f a
, witnessed by these natural transformations:
liftYoneda :: Functor f => f a -> Yoneda f a liftYoneda a = Yoneda (\f -> fmap f a) lowerYoneda :: Yoneda f a -> f a lowerYoneda (Yoneda f) = f id
That said, you are not limited to applying Yoneda
to types that have Functor
This type and these functions are provided by Data.Functor.Yoneda from the kan-extensions package.
Codensity vs. Yoneda
Note, Yoneda f
is in some sense smaller than Codensity f
, as Codensity f a
is somewhat 'bigger' than f a
, despite providing an embedding, while Yoneda f a
is isomorphic.
For example, Codensity ((->) s) a
is isomorphic to State s a
, not to s -> a
as shown by:
instance MonadState s (Codensity ((->) s)) where get = Codensity (\k s -> k s s) put s = Codensity (\k _ -> k () s)
Now, Codensity
is a particular form of right Kan extension, which always yields a Monad
, without needing anything from f.
Here we aren't so fortunate, but we do have the fact that Yoneda f
is always a Functor
, regardless of what f is, as shown by:
instance Functor (Yoneda f) where fmap f (Yoneda m) = Yoneda (\k -> m (k . f))
which was obtained just by cutting and pasting the appropriate definition from Codensity
or ContT
, and comes about because Yoneda
is a right Kan extension, like all of those.
To get a Monad
instance for Yoneda f
we need to lean on f somehow.
One way is to just borrow a Monad
instance from f, since f a
is isomorphic to Yoneda f a
, if we have a Functor
for f, and if we have a Monad
, we can definitely have a Functor
instance Monad m => Monad (Yoneda m) where return a = Yoneda (\f -> return (f a)) Yoneda m >>= k = Yoneda (\f -> m id >>= \a -> runYoneda (k a) f)
Map Fusion and Reassociating Binds
Unlike Codensity
the monad instance above isn't very satisfying, because it uses the >>=
of the underlying monad, and as a result the >>=
s will wind up in the same order they started.
On the other hand, the Functor
instance for Yoneda f
is still pretty nice because the (a -> r)
part of the type acts as an accumulating parameter fusing together uses of fmap
This is apparent if you expand lowerYoneda . fmap f . fmap g . liftYoneda
, whereupon you can see we only call fmap
on the underlying Functor
Intuitively, you can view Yoneda
as a type level construction that ensures that you get fmap
fusion, while Codensity
is a type level construction that ensures that you right associate binds. It is important to note that Codensity
also effectively accumulates fmap
s, as it uses the same definition for fmap
as Yoneda
With this in mind, it doesn't usually make much sense to use Codensity (Codensity m)
or Yoneda (Yoneda m)
because the purpose being served is redundant.
Less obviously, Codensity (Yoneda m)
is also redundant, because as noted above, Codensity
also does fmap
Other Yoneda-transformed Monads
Now, I said one way to define a Monad
for Yoneda f
was to borrow an underlying Monad
instance for f, but this isn't the only way.
Consider Yoneda Endo
. Recall that Endo
from Data.Monoid is given by
newtype Endo a = Endo { appEndo :: a -> a }
Clearly Endo
is not a Monad
, it can't even be a Functor
, because a occurs in both positive and negative position.
Nevertheless Yoneda Endo
can be made into a monad -- the continuation passing style version of the Maybe
newtype YMaybe a = YMaybe (forall r. (a -> r) -> r -> r)
I leave the rather straightforward derivation of this Monad
for the reader. A version of it is present in monad-ran.
This lack of care for capital-F Functor
iality also holds for Codensity
, Codensity Endo
can be used as a two-continuation list monad. It is isomorphic to the non-transformer version of Oleg et al.'s LogicT, which is available on hackage as logict from my coworker, Dan Doel.
The Functor
, Applicative
, Monad
, MonadPlus
and many other instances for LogicT
can be rederived in their full glory from Codensity (GEndo m)
automatically, where
newtype GEndo m r = GEndo (m r -> m r)
without any need for conscious thought about how the continuations are plumbed through in the Monad
Bananas in Space
One last digression,
newtype Rec f r = (f r -> r) -> r
came up once previously on this blog in Rotten Bananas. In that post, I talked about how Fegaras and Sheard used a free monad (somewhat obliquely) in "Revisiting catamorphisms over datatypes with embedded functions" to extend catamorphisms to deal with strong HOAS, and then talked further about how Stephanie Weirich and Geoffrey Washburn used Rec to replace the free monad used by Fegaras and Sheard. That said, they did so in a more restricted context, where any mapping was done by giving us both an embedding and a projection pair.
Going to Church
We can't just use Rec f a
instead of Free f a
here, because Free f a
is a functor, while Rec f a
is emphatically not.
However, if we apply Yoneda
to Rec f
, we obtain a Church-encoded continuation-passing-style version of Free
newtype F f a = F { runF :: forall r. (a -> r) -> (f r -> r) -> r }
Since this is of the form of Yoneda (Rec f)
, it is clearly a Functor
instance Functor (F f) where fmap f (F g) = F (\kp -> g (kp . f))
And nicely, without knowing anything about f, we also get a Monad
instance Monad (F f) where return a = F (\kp _ -> kp a) F m >>= f = F (\kp kf -> m (\a -> runF (f a) kp kf) kf)
But when we >>=
all we do is change the continuation for (a -> r)
, leaving the f-algebra, (f r -> r)
, untouched.
Now, F
is a monad transformer:
instance MonadTrans F where lift f = F (\kp kf -> kf (liftM kp f))
which is unsurprisingly, effectively performing the same operation as lifting did in Free
Heretofore, we've ignored everything about f entirely.
This has pushed the need for the Functor
on f into the wrapping operation:
instance Functor f => MonadFree f (F f) where wrap f = F (\kp kf -> kf (fmap (\ (F m) -> m kp kf) f))
Now, we can clearly transform from our representation to any other free monad representation:
fromF :: MonadFree f m => F f a -> m a fromF (F m) = m return wrap
or to it from our original canonical ADT-based free monad representation:
toF :: Functor f => Free f a -> F f a toF xs = F (\kp kf -> go kp kf xs) where go kp _ (Pure a) = kp a go kp kf (Free fma) = kf (fmap (go kp kf) fma)
So, F f a
is isomorphic to Free f a
So, looking at Codensity (F f) a
as Codensity (Yoneda (Rec f))
, it just seems silly.
As we mentioned before, we should be able to go from Codensity (Yoneda (Rec f)) a
to Codensity (Rec f) a
, since Yoneda
was just fusing uses of fmap
, while Codensity
was fusing fmap
while right-associating (>>=)
Swallowing the Bigger Fish
So, the obvious choice is to try to optimize to Codensity (Rec f) a
. If you go through the motions of encoding that you get:
newtype CF f a = CF (forall r. (a -> (f r -> r) -> r) -> (f r -> r) -> r)
which is in some sense larger than F f a
, because the first continuation gets both an a and an f-algebra (f r -> r)
But tellingly, once you write the code, the first continuation never uses the extra f-algebra you supplied it!
So Codensity (Yoneda (Rec f)) a
gives us nothing of interest that we don't already have in Yoneda (Rec f) a
Consequently, in this special case rather than letting Codensity (Yoneda x) a
swallow the Yoneda
to get Codensity x a
we can actually let the Yoneda
swallow the surrounding Codensity
obtaining Yoneda (Rec f) a
, the representation we started with.
Scott Free
Finally, you might ask if a Church encoding is as simple as we could go. After all a Scott encoding
newtype ScottFree f a = ScottFree { runScottFree :: forall r. (a -> r) -> (f (ScottFree f a) -> r) -> r }
would admit easier pattern matching, and a nice pun, and seems somewhat conceptually simpler, while remaining isomorphic.
But the Monad
instance Functor f => Monad (ScottFree f) where return a = ScottFree (\kp _ -> kp a) ScottFree m >>= f = ScottFree (\kb kf -> m (\a -> runScottFree (f a) kb kf) (kf . fmap (>>= f)))
needs to rely on the underlying bind, and you can show that it won't do the right thing with regards to reassociating.
So, alas, we cannot get away with ScottFree
Nobody Sells for Less
So, now we can rebuild Voigtländer's improve
using our Church-encoded / Yoneda-based free monad F
, which is precisely isomorphic to Free
, by using
lowerF :: F f a -> Free f a lowerF (F f) = f Pure Free
to obtain
improve :: (forall a. MonadFree f m => m a) -> Free f a improve m = lowerF m
And since our Church-encoded free monad is isomorphic to the simple ADT encoding, our new solution is as small as it can get.
Next time, we'll see this construction in action!
June 25th, 2011 at 5:01 pm
Your blog theme cuts off the type for ScottFree
June 25th, 2011 at 5:13 pm
April 27th, 2012 at 12:01 am
shouldn’t the type of improve be
Functor f => (forall m. MonadFree f m => m a) -> Free f a
instead of
(forall a. MonadFree f m => m a) -> Free f a